I'm just too lazy

May 17, 2007 02:37

Wow it has been a really long time since I used this. I've just been so crazy busy, hell I haven't even been home for a whole weekend at all this month! Here's a run-down of what I've been up to :D

Toward the end of April I spent about a week out in Las Vegas for my cousins wedding. It was a blast! I hadn't seen some of my family out there in 5 years, and I had a great time with them. I thought the wedding was going to be really small because they had already been married in Kyoto back in August (the bride is from Osaka), but it was quite an affair. I have pictures somewhere, but they'll probably end up on my Facebook before here. Also while we were there we naturally checked out the strip and such, and were able to go see a Cirque du Soleil show courtesy of my uncle. It was brilliant! The acrobats and the choreography was magnificent and the music was beautiful. I'd love to get the soundtrack if it's available. For those of you who've seen one, this one was called 'Ka'. Highly recommend it if you're in the Vegas area.

After I got back I had to get right into finals and packing up my dorm. Yeah no fun there, I had absolutely no time to stop and relax. But hey, it happens and it's done. As soon as I packed up everything, I headed back to my house so my stepfather could drive me to the airport the next morning. This guy I seem to talk to an awful lot talked me into going out into the middle of fucking nowhere to visit him. Biloxi, Mississippi for those of you keeping track. I guess it's a good thing I love him or something.

It was a very relaxing long weekend of NOTHING. It was amazing. We slept, laid around, watched movies and played games. I really, really needed that. It wasn't completely uneventful though. On Saturday we drove over to New Orleans for Jazz Fest. We ended up having a good time for the most part, just going somewhere together suits us just fine, but it was ridiculously hot and humid, which made it difficult to enjoy ourselves entirely. We picked up some neat things there and ate some strange southern food. Yeah, I ate gator guys, it was an experience. Josh looked at me and said, "Here honey, try this." I said, "Sure! I'm hungry anyway, whatever." "That was gator." "Oh...well then.". We went home earlier than expected but got away with only me getting a few tiny patches of sunburn.

Once I returned from that trip, it was time to move back to Tampa for the summer. Crazy week again, I moved in, barely unpacked, had RA training for two days, and then I could focus on unpacking for real. I like the set up of this room, although it's crazy small. It's cozy. I can play games while comfortably laying down, that's amazing to me. It's the little things really. And I adore my roommate Primm, it's so much better to live with a friend then random people. Then I returned home on Sunday for Mom's birthday and Mother's Day. It was a short visit but nice as usual.

Then classes started this week, so it's back to the grind. Class and work, and hanging out in between. I really like my classes though, great subject material and the professor isn't half bad. Well save for some of the historical inaccuracies in his lectures, but as long as I know what's right that's what matters. I'm only taking two courses, Conflict in the World and American Foreign Policy. Shouldn't be too bad.

And that about sums it up. I'm going to be gone this weekend (again!) for my brother's birthday, and then it's off to GA the following weekend to go see that one guy again. At least I know I'll actually sleep next weekend.

Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well! Hopefully I'll get back into using this more often, but if only the world were paved in good intentions...
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