
Apr 18, 2007 02:16

Today was a rather vicissitudinous day. Or I guess it was yesterday now.

[+]Made it to class relatively on time (a feat in itself I assure you)
[+]Did better on that last big paper than expected
[-]Lost chance for straight As this semester because of it though, ah well
[+]Housing all set for Summer and Fall
[-]Concerned about a close friend, can't seem to reach her no matter the extent of my efforts
[-]Learned something terribly frustrating that only escalated an ongoing situation
[+]Had a good chat with my Mom, brother, and a good friend. At different times of course.
[+]Car's fixed!
[+]Got my damn sheep!
[-]Still didn't sleep last night, tonight's only looking marginally better
[-]Failed to accomplish a lot of things because of the lack of sleep
[+]My boyfriend is amazing~

That's about the gist of it. When people asked me how my day was going, I really wasn't too sure what to say. Today should be at the very least relatively better, heading to a concert tonight (The Killers :D:D:D) and I leave Thursday morning for Vegas! A much needed vacation, I believe, will do me a world of good.
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