Audiobook Three

Mar 26, 2009 22:25

Book Title: "Träum erst, wenn es dunkel ist"
Author: Daphne Du Maurier
Read by: Sophie Rois
First Published: ?
Summary: A woman is sick in bed, and her landlord threatens to throw her out on the street. She wants to pay the rent with the last of her secret savings, only to find out that her husband has stolen them to gamble. When her husband returns, he confesses he has bought tickets for the lottery with them.
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah - blergh

Part of a whole box-set of Daphne Du Maurier stories I borrowed. The story in itself is short, sweet, and made me feel like a jerk. I kept expecting something terrible to happen, the wife to die or something, and felt like crying all the time, and went "stop talking stop talking she's going to die I know it it's always the same stop stop" in my head (while I was at the post-office, by the way), and nothing happened. It was just a warm, feel-good story. Amazing. What kind of person am I?
But the actress who read it - either she had a cold, or that's actually her voice, but the wheezing and rasping, though kind of fitting for the sick woman, was just annoying. So in sum, I can't give the highest rating.

du maurier, **sweet, #audiobooks, *classic

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