
Mar 01, 2009 13:11

"He - for there could be no doubt of his sex, though the fashion of the time did something to disguise it - was in the act of slicing at the head of a Moor which swung from the rafters."

Book Title: "Orlando"
Author: Virginia Woolf
Page Count: 166First Published: 1928
Summary: Fictional biography about a man (later a woman) living through 400 years of social change, based upon the life of Vita Sackville-West.
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah - blergh

Meh. Some parts, especially those in which Woolf describes how the times have changed, are brilliant. I loved how the Victorian Age was described as a settling dampness that creeps into everything and everyone. But the whole is rather boring, especially since there are no characters to empathise with. Orlando him/herself stays detached from the world outside (understandable once you've lived a couple hundred years, I guess), and most characters she/he interacts with are caricatures or plain jokes.

#books, **sweet, woolf, *classic

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