(So sorry about the crappy picture. Please send new camera.)
"Fabian saß in einem Café namens Spalteholz und las die Schlagzeilen der Abendblätter..."
Book Title: "Fabian"
Author: Erich Kästner
Page Count: 189
First Published: 1931
Summary: Jacob Fabian, a thirty-something Dr. phil, tries to live a moral life in 1930s Berlin and fails miserably.
Rating: superfunk- golden - sweet - blah - superblah - blergh
A bit of a shock to read so much about sex and violence after the children's books. The language is a strong point - witty and clear, never sentimental. The characters were vivid. I usually don't like reading satires, but this one was subtle and very well done.
The ending was like a slap in the face, which I liked. You read and read and think that maybe everything is going to get well after all, there are still 10 pages or so left, but then SLAP, and the rest is just annotations. Nice.