
Jul 20, 2011 18:24

Book Title: "Engel oder Todesbotin?" (Angel or Harbinger of Death?) 
Author: Lisa Garland
Page Count: 64
First Published: ?
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah - blergh - goatfood

I'll stop rating these dime novels as goat food and rate them within the perimeter of "of course these are bad, but there are varieties of bad", shall I. I bought 12 of them at a local flea market, I don't think I've mentioned that. They must have been published sometime in the 80s judging from the advertisements, and I'm sure you could google the specifics, but let's face it, no one cares.
This one was not very good. The writing was solid, and it was a pretty engaging love/mystery story, but there wasn't enough of the gothic elements I adore. I mean, they were there in name, there was a scream in the night and a Big Secret and a stately old manor with an unused wing and a labyrinthine cellar and a secret passage ... they were just not goosebumpy, they were just there. And the ending was rushed even for 64 pages.

**blah, *dime novel, #books

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