Book Title: "Smaragdgrün"
Author: Kerstin Gier
Page Count: ???
First Published: 2010
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah- blergh - goatfood
Let's see. Final part of the trilogy, and I really, really liked it. The ending was extremely satisfactory, the setting still rules, etc, etc, there's just one thing...
The fact that Gwen and Gideon are now both immortal. I know it should be creepy and it will never last for the rest of time and cop-out solution and REALLY?! and so on, but I kind of liked it. In fact, I would love to know what happens next. After the first bliss of love is gone, after the first child ... will the children be immortal? Will they grow to a certain age, and then no more? (I always assume that immortal children will age until they are fully grown, so to speak, and then just not age. It's quite simple that way). What happens in one hundred years, in a thousand? Will they go seperate ways but find each other again occasionally? I'd love to read about this, for example in fan fiction, but I'm afraid most fans will not want to go that deep.