Dec 05, 2010 14:34
Book Title: "Eine schöne Intrigantin"
Author: Viola Maybach
Page Count: 65
First Published: ????
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah- blergh - goatfood
I need a break from the trash. Anyway. This was from the series "Das freundliche Ärztehaus" ("The friendly Doctor's house of office, I'm not sure what it's referring to. In general, an "Ärztehaus" is a house (yes) where many different doctors have their office, so you have them all in one convenient place. No such thing appeared in the novel). It promises "Children, Animals, and a lot of Feelings", which, I guess, it kept. There was but one child, but it was adorable, wise, and at one point very sick. There were animals, a horse even plays a pivotal role in the plot, and in the end there are two or three new couples. The whole thing was about a mean famous actress spreading lies about a vet who doesn't want to get with her. And then there were couples. I can only assume that this is part of a soap-opera-esque series of many, many books and that faithful readers know what's going on and who is who, but, I assume due to the shortness of pages, no one was introduced, no concept mentioned. Which threw me a bit, just like switching on a soap opera on episode 1245. I don't think I can get behind the idea of reading a soap opera in dime novels, either. Are there actually people out there who buy their favourite series every week? Or have them sent home? Who are these people? And is the author really called "Maybach" or is this one of the most megalomaniac pseudonyms out there?
*dime novel,