"In meiner Ansprache bei der Beerdigung von Lotte Linden erzählte ich, was sie zu mir gesagt hatte, als ich für sie zu arbeiten begann."
Book Title: "Die Erbschaft"
Author: Connie Palmen
Page Count: 150
First Published: 1999
Summary: Famous author Lotte Linden is dying, but before she does, she hands over the work for her last book to a young man she has hired to help her cope with her disease, so that he can finish it when she is gone.
Rating: superfunk - golden - sweet - blah - superblah - blergh - goatfood
Sometimes I hate myself. I've had this book for what, two years? And it was still in foil. I only read it because of a dare. And it was so so good! I missed out on Connie Palmen for so long because of my bookproblem. Anyway. I'll have to read more by her to make a definitive statement about her style, I'm afraid, the book was just too short to get a feel of it. But the story told - and told among other things through books Lotte Linden reads - was touching without being sticky, if you know what I mean.