(no subject)

May 23, 2008 15:56

I just wrote this to my family:
Just a note to let you know I'm still alive. My cold has gotten better but my stomach still feels a little bit iffy. I took some Rolaids a few hours ago and that has helped, but I think it's just a matter of getting used to the heat and food.

I had my first Spanish lesson today with the person I'd been talking to on Skype. She's very nice and it was really good practice, because it's much more conversational and she forces me to do hard stuff (like talk about things that happened in the past, etc.). I have another class with her tomorrow and then I hope a "mini-course" on Nicaraguan history and politics through someone affiliated with the school on Sunday.

On Monday I head down to a volcano to meet up with a friend from New York who I'm going hiking with on Tuesday. A week from Sunday, Luke is coming down for 10 days, and we're probably going to do most of the tourist things then (including beach time!). I am much less lonely than I was yesterday - Marc gave me a good pep talk - but these are milestones I'm certainly keeping my eyes on. And, it's humbling to hear these backpackers here who've been on two year sojourns around the world. Makes me being homesick after a few days on a month-long trip look pretty whimpy.
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