Feb 16, 2004 17:47

You might want to try believing in something bigger than yourself. It might cheer you up.
- American Splendor (2003)

I’ve had people ask me what I thought the best film from last year was. Really most of the questions came near the end of the year, but I hadn’t seen enough of the Christmas films to make the list. I have created the following two lists, one is my list of the ten best films I saw from 2003. These films are remarkable achievements, wondrous works and amazing in the aspects of cinema. The second list is my ten favorite films from 2003. These films are films that affected, impacted and really worked for me. These are the films that I can see myself watching for years and years to come. I should add as a note, that there are four films I have yet to see that may impact this list. Those films are Cold Mountain, Capturing the Friedmans, Spellbound, and The Girl With the Pearl Earring. All of these films come from the Oscar year of 2003 -

The Best List -
1) American Splendor
2) Fog of War
3) In America
4) Elephant
5) Lost in Translation
6) City of God
7) Kill Bill Vol. 1
8) The Station Agent
9) 21 Grams
10) The Barbarian Invasion

Honorable Mention - Mystic River, Seabiscuit, Finding Nemo, Gerry, The House of Sand and Fog

Favorite List -
1) Lost in Translation
2) Kill Bill Vol. 1
3) Gerry
4) Fog of War
5) A Mighty Wind
6) In America
7) Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
8) Matchstick Men
9) Last Samuari
10) Elephant

Honorable Mention - The Barbarian Invasions, American Splendor, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, The Station Agent, Finding Nemo
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