Nov 11, 2010 20:57


Lo Siento

Waiting was what Romano spent all his time doing these days. Waiting for Spain to pay attention to him, Spain to make him food and so on. But he hated to wait for him to come home. He wasn't worried at all (he was) when he thought of storms at sea capsizing the boat that Spain would be on and drowning him. He didn't worry when he thought of the monsters and Indians that could attack his stupid caretaker (his best friend). That was why he came home in blood and bandages, right?

A servant caught him staring out at the window and tried her best to cheer him up. She made him paella, taught him Spanish and played games with him. He was already annoyed that he had to wait and in his mind, the girl was trying to replace Spain with herself. It was too much and he lashed out, doing his very best to get rid of her. She later quit when he threw her paella in the trash and insulted her mother. Another servant replaced her too, but he never made a move to get close to his new master.

To pass the hours, (days, weeks, months) Romano slept, ate and watched the horizon through his window for any movement. From the view of most of the rooms, you could see the port and the ships docking into it from far away. He used to race to the port whenever he saw a ship on the horizon, but he stopped after the 5th time, too tired to care and run at the same time. Besides, he'd seem desperate if he simply ran up to the boat, wouldn't he? And that'd be a fine way to welcome him back home. That and it'd get him lots of hugs and those damn kisses. So he stayed in his room, waiting and waiting as the days grew shorter and the nights longer. Sometimes, he'd refuse to eat dinner or sleep in his bed, convinced that tonight was the night that Spain would come home.

But he didn't.

It was cold when Romano woke up, only to find that he had fallen asleep on the windowsill. The cold sea breeze rushed through him, making him shiver in his light clothes. He scanned the horizon absentmindedly, out of habit more then anything else, when he saw a ship. He would've looked away, but something tickled him at the back of his mind, telling him that this ship was the one he was waiting for. This ship would make him happy again.

He jumped down from the chair, racing to the front door and then down to the harbor, breath coming in gasps as he pushed his way past people on their way home. Many yelled after him, but he ignored them, too focused on the ship that was nearly docked. He got stuck in a crowd near the the boat and by the time he was free of it, the boat was docked and men were already unloading crates and boxes. He looked on the boat for the name, but he frowned when he found that the name was rubbed off. The flags were nearly the same as he remembered them, but he was looking for a spe-

"Stupid man! I'll burn that flag!" he mumbled to himself when he spotted a nearly white flag near the top. The flag had been Romano's way of a goodbye present. He had attempted to make a design about tomatoes on it, but had failed near the beginning and all that was left was a little red patch in the middle. Spain, of course, had loved it and said that he'd put it up on his ship at once and, it turned out, he did. With a angry bite to his lip, he turned back to the men unloading.

Romano stared at the men for a minute before making his way to what appeared to be the youngest one and poked his back. He turned around and looked around before going back to his crate work. Figuring that he needed another attention getter, Romano gave him a kick to the back of the leg.

The man cursed, whipping around and ready to hit someone when he saw the child before him. He lowered his fist before kneeling down. "Where did you come from little one?" he asked. Romano gave a growl.

"I'm not little!" he yelled, drawing himself to his full height. The man gave a chuckle before standing up.

"All right young man. Now, why are you here? It's late for you to be out." he gave a quick look around, to see if there were people looking for a child. No such luck and he turned back to Romano. He mumbled something, causing the sailor to lean closer and cover his ear. "Whaddya say?"

"I asked where the hell Sp- Antonio was dammit!" he yelled, blushing and throwing his fists down by his side. The man tilted his head for a second before blinking as he remembered something.

"You're Romano." he said. The child gave an angry huff, stomping his feet. How dare Spain talk about him with others!

"And what's it to you, bastard?!"

"Nothing! I've just heard so much about you Roma." he gave the boy a pat on the head before flinching back as Romano started to flail.

"Don't call me that!" he yelled, blushing harder now. Oh, he was going to murder that man! "But where the hell is he?!" he asked, changing topic when he remembered who he was here for. The man lost his smile, standing up and giving a breath.

"Antonio..." Thoughts raced through the boy's head. Thoughts of that stupid idiot lying dead at the bottom of the ocean, dead in the middle of a wild forest, dead from Indians, dead from...

"What the hell happened to him?!" Romano demanded. The man gave a look before continuing.

"Antonio got injured by Indians the day we were supposed to leave. Our doctor died the day before so he couldn't get help. He's still wounded really bad though. Some of the men went to help him home. He should be there now." Romano let out the breath he was holding before shooting off back up the hill towards his house.

He ran past people and crowds again, ignoring their yelling and screaming at him. He made it nearly all the way to his house when he was stopped by a small crowd near the front door. He pushed his way through to the middle when he heard a loud, angry voice. He froze, trying to place the voice when he heard his name being called.

"I told you to watch him! And the day I come back he's missing!"

"We checked all the places that Master Romano likes to hide or go to, sir! He wasn't there!"

"Well find him then! Before I find my-!" the voice was broken off by a small cough before returning back to it's yelling volume. "If you all would like to see this, go ahead!" it yelled. The people at the front broke off, running back and pushing the people behind them. He was pushed into the wall of a house nearby, blinking the stars out of his eyes before he got back up.

Romano looked up at the house again, watching the servants through the windows bustling about soundlessly. He walked forward slowly towards it.

While he was glad that Spain wasn't dead, he wasn't sure what to do now. Sure, he could run in and yell at him for taking forever, but that'd probably get him a gigantic hug and maybe a kiss. He could just ignore him and play hard to get, but that'd still earn him a hug and kiss. He gave an angry groan, stopping halfway there to think.

A servant saw him from the window and there was barely a minute before she was out the door, grabbing him and running him back inside. The other servants cheered, making Romano scream at them all before he was put in a room with the door shut behind him.

All that was in this room was a long couch and a fire place already made, the logs crackling darkly and something on the couch moved. Romano took a hesitant step around the couch before he stopped, staring at the giant lump.

Spain looked worse then he usually did when he came home from trips like these. Bandages covered up most of his uncovered skin and some had red stains on them, as if the wounds were still bleeding. He seemed tired, even as he slept, his snores echoing through out the small room. The Italian took another step closer before, reaching his hand out to really check if Spain was here when he noticed the eyes staring at him. He froze, staring back in shock before stepping back as Spain sat up slowly, groaning.

"Ro-Romano?" he groaned out. Spain attempted to sit up, but stopped himself as his chest burned. Romano stood still, back toward the fire as he stared at his boss again. The man on the couch turned his head to look.

"Don't be so far away, Roma... I can't see your face..." Anxious, the child stepped closer. When he got close enough, he was jolted out of his solemn mood by a large, bandaged arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. He struggled for a bit before he stopped himself, worrying that he'd injure Spain worse.

"You're an idiot." he murmured. Spain said nothing, pressing his head onto Romano's shoulder and taking deep breaths. "Take forever to come home and you turn up like this."

"I'm sorry Lovi." He repressed a shiver at the pet name; he hadn't heard his name like that in months and oh, how he had secretly missed it. Romano went on.

"Don't go so long you bastard. Nobody can cook like you." He blinked rapidly, wondering when the hell he decided to tear up over food. Spain nodded on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"And... And...!" How could he not know what to say? All those months of thinking up the right words to yell at him when he came back and this? He gave a small whimper, rubbing at his eyes. Spain got off of his shoulder, staring at his young charge as he tried to hide his tears.

"I'm sorry." he whispered. Romano gave no sign that he heard him, wiping at his eyes harder. He tried again, holding Romano's chin up until he dropped his arm and was staring at his boss in the eye.

"I'm sorry for taking a long time Lovino." A pause, before the child threw himself into his arms, crying his heart out. Romano wanted to say something, the words that he'd held in his mind for a long time, but he couldn't. They just wouldn't get past that filter that covered his mouth. So he gave up, blubbering into his shoulder

Mi sei mancato... *


That little Italian part above means 'I missed you' so if you were wondering, that's what Google Translate says. I wish I had a friend who knows Italian


i'm on a roll, whut is this, news, omg happy., fanfic, hetalia, love

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