I finally write Yao-Yao! ^_^

Aug 09, 2010 16:12

 This is... oddly depressing not just because I wrote this in math class.  But because... I learned about this... 2 years ago in AP World History. It's weird how I seem to remember watching this on TV (documentary). I shall even provide a Wikipedia link for you heathens people who don't know it! ^_^

Oh! A note before you read:
This fic takes place a little after China was unified so think of China as... an older kid I'd imagine. Because this kinda happens in 213 and 206 BCE Yeah, think about it for a minute, then read.

--- Little Scholar ---

Yao used to feel all that happened in his lands. All the rapists, murderers and back dealings used to move him. But he learned how to shut it out after years of practice. But he never learned how to block out a massacre.

He listened to the screams of the men in the pit, the clank of their chains as they moved and then yelling of the soldiers as they shoved hem back in. If he looked around the tree he'd be able to see it, but then his Emperor would yell at him again for crying.

It's not like he wanted to cry. The tears just came! he would yell. But that was inexcusable. his emperor said back, his face cold and much worse then Yao's northern neighbor. You are the strongest nation in all the world. People come to us to see our wonder! Stop crying and be China!

His emperor did like yelling.

He gave a little shudder, wrapping his arms as a particularly blood-curling scream ripped through the clearing. He didn't dare cover his ears, someone might see, just curled up on himself, shivering as he felt some of the older men die. (Dirt in his throat and he couldn't breath, there was no sky and I want to live!) Yao gave a violent shudder and he breathed faster, as if he were breathing for those dead to live.

A twig snapped in front of him and his head shot up, fighting the urge to run when he saw who it was. HIs emperor, staring down at the nation, icy contempt in his eyes. He stared back, trying not to let the fear show in his eyes. His emperor gave a little noise and brushed past him back to the screaming, almost full ditch.

Yao took a breath before following, still connected to his people somehow still alive in the dirt. He walked to the edge of the pit, standing beside his emperor as he made a speech. He didn't pay attention, instead staring at a patch of skin that was visible somehow. He felt somewhat relieved that they died somehow. Some sick, twisted way in which he blamed them for their misery. But that feeling left almost as soon as he felt it sweep through him.

After what seemed to be hours later, he was shuffled to the carriage he shared with his emperor and together, they left. No matter how hard he tried to remember, he forgot his fear and those men, chained and buried together.

--- End of Little Scholar ---

As promised, here is the link~ I've tried out a new writing style even, but I do believe that I can do better. Or at least... do it more often and then become as good as tredecaphobia ! ^_^ Or even that ghibli person that does a GLORIOUS Spamano. Or I could do some England/Japan! ^_^ I've always wanted a plot bunny for them~ *dreams*

fail!, rant, i'm on a roll, whut is this, fanfic, bad

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