Might as well post here too I guess...

Jul 15, 2010 18:19

I has a fic. I was trying to copy the amount of good people that I've read and made this more descriptive then what I usually do. >.< People say I didn't fail AT ALL, but it'll take a while for that to sink in... lol

Title: Double Deception
Warning: Little language and OOC Spain, Romano but yeah. Bl

OH! Summary! >.>
Romano finds Antonio kissing Feliciano and he's shocked. But how else will he react? O.O


He never thought that he'd be standing in Feliciano's doorway, watching his brother and Antonio kiss like that. He never thought that he'd be holding a tomato one minute, and then throw that tomato at the lip-locked pair of fiends. And that was his problem. Romano never thought.

"Fratello! It's me! Can you please call me back ve~? I'm sorry for what I've done...! Even better, maybe you can come over!" No, I'm not going to see or talk to you again you cheating evil little- Romano thought to himself, covering his ears. He waits for his damn brother to stop talking so he can go back to sleep, go back to crying, go back to...

The second call is worse because it's from him.

"Hey... Lovino. Please call me back! I want to apologize but you won't answer... Are you even there? Lovino!" He throws the pillow at the phone this time, knocking the phone off its base and onto the floor. He groaned at the loss of his pillow but never made a move to get out of the bed and retrieve it.

He lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling, at the windows covered shut with the curtains, at the floor, the desk, at the stupid pictures on the wall... Pictures of...

With an anger that wasn't all that unusual for Romano, he jumped out of bed and ran over to the wall where a framed picture was. He stared at the picture for a second before letting out an angry yell and pulling it down from the wall. He didn't flinch as the glass shattered when it hit the ground; he kept looking at the spot where the picture was. He stayed like that for a while, just staring.

Suddenly, there was a knock from downstairs, making Romano jump in shock. Who the hell would bother him? He wasn't exactly the most popular person to talk to unlike his bro-. Just thinking about him was enough to make Romano almost throw something else.

The knocking grew heavier after several seconds, followed by voices too far away to hear. With a little noise of discomfort, Romano left the darkness of his room and walked downstairs to open his door. It took him several minutes before he navigated the clutter of his living and stood in front of the door, listening to the outside.

The knocking stopped for several minutes before apparently someone kicked it. Romano jumped as his name was yelled. "Lovino! Open up! It's just us!" Romano gasped softly, his eyes widening. He knew that sickening, traitorous voice...

"Fratello~! We came to say sorry!" Romano shuddered, backing away until he hit the wall behind him. Pain was shooting from his heart, his head, and soon his eyes until he could see nothing but the door. He imagined the pair of them standing outside the door, smiles on their faces as they laughed at him.

"G-Go away!" he yelled, kicking his shoes off at the door. He was rewarded with a large bang from his shoe connecting and a surprised squeal from behind it.

"Fratello?" it whined. The other voice quickly calmed it down before knocking on the door again.

"Romano!" It said, sounding like it was worked up and trying to be his toughest. "Open this door!" Romano shook his head, as if the person behind the voice could see him.

"No... Go away...!" he whispered, falling down the wall and curling himself into a ball. Tears fell but he ignored it in favor of waiting for the voices to leave. "Go away...!" he said, louder this time. The door was knocked on again, more urgent sounding.

"Lovi!" That traitor had the right to call him by THAT name?! With eyes of fire, Romano ran to the door and wrenched it open to stare at the two people he hated the most.

Feliciano was standing off to the side of the door, like he didn't want to get between his brother and his front yard. He seemed smaller looking the he usually did, but that was probably from the gigantic coat he was wearing. Antonio looked... concerned. His face didn't his his trademark enthusiasm or smile and his green eyes were... angry-looking? Romano never looked at his eyes; it would've hurt.

"Lovino..." Antonio said, reaching out to hold the Italian. But Romano stiffened up and retreated behind his door, opening it a couple inches to peek out. "Lovi..." he whispered, lowering his hand. Feliciano sniffled and Romano could see him rubbing his nose. In cold or because he was crying, Romano couldn't tell.

"Get. Out." he murmured, looking down at the ground. He could see Antonio's feet shuffling, surprised.

"What did you say Lovi?"

"I said get out of my sight." It took all of Romano's will just to not yell it. He wanted to, but he knew it'd cause attention and he didn't want that.

It was Feliciano's feet that moved this time; towards him. "Fratello. Spain-nii and I came to tell you that we're sorry. Very very very very sorry!" he said, inching closer and closer until Romano slammed the door open and knocked his brother down.

Feliciano shrieked a bit as he fell, knocking his head against the patio furniture. Antonio rushed over to help him, rubbing Feliciano's head and making sure he wasn't too injured. It was the last straw.

Slamming his door shut, Romano fled back up the stairs and to his room, shutting that door as well before jumping into the bed and pulling the covers over his head so not even the room could see him cry.

fail!, double deception, whut is this, fanfic, bad

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