|| FAQ ||

Sep 11, 2010 22:41

// Frequently Asked Questions


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Re: Two Questions, really... koancitymods July 6 2011, 18:36:52 UTC
The game IS opened. We haven't started an official event, but there is already a log between two characters in the log community (You have to join to see it, but it is there) and you're welcome to start a log or make a journal the moment your application is accepted.

As for the second question, there is no true legal system. If one character kills another, the Overseers will certainly step in, but they turn the other cheek at all other forms of crime (it's part of the experiment after all!). So if you character would like to bring order to the place, he is absolutely welcome to.

I haven't thought about this before, but depending on who you're playing, we might even add into the rules that superheroes or other law-enforcing characters are able to step in to otherwise private logs if there's something bad going on. Like if two characters start beating each other up in public or try to break into a closed store, a character may be able to stop them. What would you think about that? Or should private logs stay private? I'll have to discuss this with the other mod, but in a nutshell the answer to your question is YES - your character can try to bring order to Koan City :)


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