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koancitymods August 16 2011, 18:13:50 UTC
1. We do allow powers, and you're welcome to use them however your character realistically would. The problem occurs when a character is, well... Let's say you're roleplaying the Hulk and he smashes some random building downtown to pieces. That's no problem, the Overseers can "fix it up". But let's say Hulk smashes the apartment building, therefor leaving all the characters there without a home. You see the difference? As long as the powers are not ruining things for other characters, it's completely allowed. Or what if you're roleplaying a character that has mind control power. Using this occasionally with the other player's consent is okay, but if you're just going around trying to mind control everyone in every log, then you're going overboard. Do you see what I mean? It's just a matter of being respectful and keeping the game fun. :)

2. Allowing what you're suggesting might get a bit out of control. I do understand where you're coming from, but where would the line be drawn? Plus Pokemon is clearly occurring in a world similar to our own, since there's at least one episode where they all go to Hollywood, California. I think the only exception to this would be if say there was a character in .hack// universe that IN CANON was obsessed with Pokemon, or say someone in the Persona games was a huge Star Trek nerd. If someone roleplayed Ash or Spock, THEN the fourth wall being broken would be acceptable. Does that make sense? Do you understand the difference? If you want to ask about very specific cases, just message the mods. There might be exceptions.

3. It can definitely be from after a character has died! Just pick from whatever point in canon you want.

I hope that covers everything! Just let us know if you have any other questions.


sargent_snarky August 16 2011, 18:46:49 UTC
Thank you! :)

Re: 2, though... There is a difference between Persona universe and the Pokemon universe, though, in that the Persona universe is specifically set in our world - just a somewhat alternate version of it. The games take place in Japan and refer to other countries, as well. It's sort of like speculative fiction that takes place 20 minutes into the future, where the games assume that it /is/ our world, but it just diverges from our current history at a point. Pokemon, on the other hand, while it will have a sort of tongue-and-cheek reference our world (like, say, with the silly joke int he first movie about how Vikings are mostly from Minnesota), obviously takes place in a world that - although bearing similarities to our own - is /not/ meant to be our world. Possibly it's an alternate universe version of our world, but that's not quite the same thing... Er, I mean an awful lot of fiction out there is based on slightly alternate versions of our world, but there's definitely a big difference between assuming that the world is entirely the same with a few differences and assuming that the world is similar but with big enough differences to render it a totally different world.

And even that aside, what about a universe like, say, Supernatural? Okay, I don't think Dean ever makes any references to Pokemon, but among other things, he does reference Star Wars on at least one or two occasions, and in a flashback to Sam and Dean's childhoods, you can see that Sam is watching Thundercats on TV. It's obviously not an obsession or anything, but it's still enough of a passing familiarity that Dean Winchester would quite possibly recognize Han Solo, if he walked by on the street.

But -- I dunno, a way to limit this from getting out of control and a way to draw a line might be that characters find they can't actually say to another character, "hey you're from a game/TV show/movie/book/whatever!" Even if they try, they find that their throat just won't make the sounds and realize that hey, maybe they shouldn't bring this up. Or maybe upon arriving in the city, they forget major details about characters who are (to them) fictional in their own world, unless knowledge of that fictional character is integral to their own character. Or something like that...

Though I mean, I totally understand that it's easier and more straightforward to just ban it altogether. I guess I just need some IC reason why a character who is familiar with something but not obsessed would be able to recognize famous historical figures but not famous fictional figures. ^^;

I'm sorry I'm being so troublesome. Watch, this probably won't even ever come up in the game. xD;

But thank you very much for patiently answering my questions. :)


koancitymods August 16 2011, 19:08:38 UTC
Hey, it's no trouble! I'm glad you're thinking so hard about it :)

Honestly, if the world is close enough to our own, I suppose I can understand what you're saying. Supernatural is a really good example because the world is so full of cultural references to our own world. That really sways my opinion on the matter. I supposed if it does come up in the game, you can make personal decisions on whether to address it or not. It would be more out-of-character for Sam and Dean NOT to freak out about a living, breathing, real-life Cheetara!

If your argument was being graded, I'd give you an A+ :D


sargent_snarky August 17 2011, 16:20:55 UTC
And then Dean would probably go hit on her.

Okay! If it never comes up, it never comes up, but if it does, I guess we'll see! :)

I -- actually have one other question I thought of while filling out the application yesterday...

How are language differences being handled? Are we assuming that everyone in Koan City can understand each other? Or is there some sort of translation device? Obviously there's no language barrier for, say, the Persona and the Durarara!! characters, but there'd probably be a language barrier between, say, Terra and Giles, because even if in FFVI she technically speaks in English (or Japanese), depending on the particular localization, that's just for players' understanding, so theoretically she actually speaks whatever language developed and is spoken on her home world, which... you know, I don't remember if the world in FF6 ever is given a name. ... oh well.


koancitymods August 17 2011, 16:33:58 UTC
Another very good question. Right now everyone is speaking and understanding each other through some invisible translating RP magic, to put in bluntly. :) They do not even realize there are language difference between each other. It's just one more power The Overseers have. However, in the future, there may be events regarding the language thing. The details are still being worked out.


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