Everyone's posted about it so I won't post the links but the news that JK Rowling has announced that Dumbledore is gay, immediately made me think: "Poor German Girl! Her ships are even more beset upon than mine!" :) Cut because I have spoilers from the series. :)
You see, she's a Minerva McGonagall/Albus Dumbledore shipper.
I told her that I frequently had shipping woe
as a number of my shipping pairs were strange and non-canon.
She said her situation was worse.
When Dumbledore died, she was quite disheartened. As a
Cedric/Hermione shipper I sympathised with her because it's never easy when (1) your ship is non-canon; (2) constantly being buffeted about by canon requiring you to do gymnastics when weaving their shippy story into canon; and (3) half your ship is dead.
For her to now find out that Dumbledore is gay, means that her ship has hit a rock and sunk.
shippiness. It's a dangerous business ;)