Numb3rs season 4 premiere: "Trust Metric" (spoilery pic spam)

Sep 30, 2007 00:11

Ah. I've had a crappy evening and am feeling out of sorts with various people, but I feel such happiness and satisfaction over the season premiere for Numb3rs. Such a good opener to the season. I can't be coherent so below the cut are mostly just spoilery images of Colby Granger :)

Brief spoilery synopsis also beneath the cut.

Screen caps all done by me. Feel free to take whatever you want. No need to credit, just please don't hot link :)

Blurb: After the events of The Janus List, Colby escapes from custody. Don and the team go after him, but everything may not be as it seems.

The episode starts with a recap of the events in The Janus List. Then we visit the team now.

David has developed rage issues.

Don can't believe he didn't realise that Colby was a traitor.

Charlie's retreated back to cheating and has allowed stubble to take a hold of his face.

Larry's still in a monastery and also stubbley.

Colby's in prison and also stubbley but it looks rather good on him.

His handler helps him orchestrate an escape and we find out that (yay!) Colby's not a traitor. He's a triple agent.

Here he is in disguise :)

They're kind of like the non-bearded ZZ Top :)

Colby looks strangely good in a beanie and singlet.

He's unable to locate his handler so in desperation he calls Don and tells him that he's working undercover, that there's someone who's a spy in the DOJ.

Colby in singlet:

He asks Don to trust him.

Don doesn't know what to think but with the help of Charlie, figures out where Colby, his bare arms and singlet are.

Action Don

Action Colby leaps onto the track

Action Don could take the shot but doesn't

Action Colby looks up and stops Dwayne from shooting Don before running off

Don angsts about why he didn't shoot Colby

Charlie comforts his angsty brother

Meanwhile, Colby looks cool as he and Dwayne head towards Dwayne's contact.

Megan and David go to see Kirkland, the man Colby claims is his handler and finds him dead.

The team are inclined to believe Colby's story although David remains sceptical. On a Chinese freighter, a man who looks like Kurt Russell is waiting.

It's actually Val Kilmer, to whom the years have not been kind. He's Mason Lancer in the DOJ and the Real Chinese Spy.

He says he knows all but wants to know how much Colby knows.

Colby says nothing

Mason pulls out the instruments of torture. Lots of Evil Chemicals of Interrogation.

Colby remains stoic.

He's an expert himself in interrogation and counter-interrogation so he knows exactly how bad this is going to be ...

Meanwhile the team have located which freighter Colby's on but are trying to decide how much they trust Colby. Charlie has said that he has done the Trust Metric.

Charlie: Umm, so this is the trust metric I prepared on Colby Granger. It's a man's life put down on a few pages of expression, distilled down to an index of trustworthiness which is a single number that incorporates all facets of his behaviour, you know, like the risks he's taken, or the orders he's obeyed or disobeyed. The confidences he's shared.
Don: yeah. So what does it tell us?
Charlie: Nothing. Nothing we don't already know in our hearts.
Megan: I'm in
David: I don't know what to believe but I'd like to go and find out

Poor Colby's being tortured some more. He knows exactly what each drug does and is defiant until the end.

Even though Dwayne tells him to give in.

Colby says he wishes someone else had rescued him because he hates owing Dwayne.

Mason says he's going to administer a fatal dose of potassium chloride since Colby refuses to talk

Dwayne redeems himself by shooting Mason before he himself gets killed.

David and Don run in.

Colby's already slumped over.

David somehow recognises the syringe as being filled with potassium chloride. No idea how. Perhaps Mason labelled it :)

He slaps Colby.

They try to revive an unconscious Colby who is not breathing

Colby recovering in hospital.

Despite everything, David's unsure of things. He still feels betrayed.

I don't care. I'm just so happy I was right. It wouldn't have made sense from a characterisation point of view for Colby to be a spy. Every thing we know about him from two seasons has pointed to honour, trustworthiness and decency. When Charlie said that the team already knew it in their hearts, it was sooooooooooooooo true.

numb3rs, pic spam, colby granger

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