Mini pic spam before bed. Pancake related. Practical Magic: 'He can flip pancakes in the air'

Nov 07, 2006 01:06

While pondering pancakes, I was reminded of another of those movies that most people don't like, but I rather like. Practical Magic starring Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. I read the novel by Alice Hoffman and to be honest, I liked the movie much better as it has a much more dreamy and whimsical feel about it.

Synopsis: Sally and Gillian Owens have always known they were different. Raised by their aunts after their parents' death, the sisters grew up in a household that was anything but typical--their aunts fed them chocolate cake for breakfast and taught them the uses of practical magic. But the invocation of the Owens' sorcery also carries a price--some call it a curse: the men they fall in love with are doomed to an untimely death. Now adult women with very different personalities, the quiet Sally and the fiery Gillian must use all of their powers to fight the family curse and a swarm of supernatural forces that threatens the lives of all the Owens women. Spoilers.

Practical Magic: mini pic spam

Images from here.

Aunt Frances: For more than 200 years we Owens women have been blamed by everything that's ever gone wrong in this town.

Child's voice: Is that why people hate us so much, Aunt Frances?

Aunt Frances: They don't hate us, sweetheart. We just make them a little nervous. Let's face it. We Owens women have always created a stir.

Aunt Frances: It all began with your ancestor, Maria. A woman: She was a witch. The first in our family. And you are the most recent in a long and distinguished line.

Child's voice: Is that why they wanted to hang her? Because she was a witch?

Aunt Frances: The fact that she was a bit of a heartbreaker didn't help. Nor did it help that most of her lovers had wives on the hanging committee.

Aunt Frances: But no, I didn't think it was either of those reasons. They feared her because she had a gift a power that has been passed on to you children. She had the gift of magic. And it was this very gift that saved her life.

Aunt Frances: She was banished to this very island. With her unborn child growing inside her belly. She waited for her lover to rescue her. But he never came. No one came.

Aunt Frances: In a moment of despair, she cat a spell upon herself that she would never again feel the agony of love. But as her bitterness grew the spell turned into a curse. A curse on any man who dared love an Owens woman....

Later on, young Sally and Gillian watch an agonised young woman in search of a love charm and have differing reactions.

Young Sally: I hope I never fall in love. I hope I never fall in love.

Young Gillian: I can't wait to fall in love.

Later ....

Young Sally: He will hear my call a mile away. He will whistle my favorite song. He can ride a pony backwards.

Young Gillian: What are you doing?

Young Sally: Summoning up a true love spell. called Amas Veritas..

Young Sally: He can flip pancakes in the air. He'll be marvelously kind. And his favorite shape will be a star. And he'll have one green eye and one blue.

Young Gillian: Thought you never wanted to fall in love.

Young Sally: That's the point. The guy I dreamed of doesn't exist.

Young Sally: And if he doesn't exist, I'll never die of a broken heart.

Then later ...

Garry Hallet, played by Aidan Quinn shows up. He can flip a pancake in the air, he is kind, he carries a star and he has one green eye and one blue. He's a lawman looking for Jimmy Angelov. Unfortunately, Sally and Gillian inadvertently killed Jimmy - although they did bring him back as a zombie. Things are kind of complicated for poor Sally ...

Sally: The reason you're here and you don't know why is because I sent for you. When I was a little girl, I worked a spell so I would never fall in love. I asked for qualities in a man that I knew couldn't possibly exist.

Gary Hallet: One green eye, one blue?

Sally: But you do.

I love the shot of this little fellow with one green eye, one blue, sitting backwards on his horse :)

Fortunately it all works out in the end :)

Sally: Can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart? Was it our joined hands that finally lifted Maria's curse? I'd like to think so.

Sally: There're some things I know for certain. Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck. And fall in love whenever you can...

The music from this film is as beautiful and magical as the imagery. Also funny. eg. Nilsson - Lime in the coconut. Hee :)

The theme from Practical Magic is very enchanting as is the more celtic-flavoured Amitas Veritas.

practical magic, movies, pancakes

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