Prison Break: Pic spam on episode 204 - First Down Part 2 of 2

Sep 17, 2006 15:39

In yet another motel, T-Bag is trying to beguile the prepubescent daughter of the Dumbest Dad In The World. This girl is almost as dumb as The Dumbest Girl In The World. T-Bag's so creepy-looking I can't believe she'd talk to him let alone let him sit down next to her. When he tries to put his non-rotting hand on her she wises up and runs away.

Sadly, she runs to her father who of course needs to protect her but if you have Dumbest Dad In The World versus Psychopathic Murdering Criminal, things do not look good for the kindly, compassionate dad ... Yet another death of an innocent.

Nika works her Stripper Barbie Pink Tracksuit to its full potential as she continues to beguile Bellick. Unfortunately, although dazzled by the pinkness, Bellick isn't blind so wises up and decides to punish Nika by locking her back up next to the squabbling brothers.

Bellick pats himself (because no one else wants to, not even Nika) and realises that she stole the keys ....

Linc: Say my profile's cuter than his or else
Bellick: OK, you're Adonis, you're a spunk. Happy?

This scene is amazing because it's where Michael finds out for the first time that Sara has overdosed. Bellick taunts Nika and Michael. Nika gives an odd glance upwards. Odd because this is only the first or second suggestion that she's 'jealous' of Sara. Michael totally loses his cool - it's really the first time we've ever seen such a visceral reaction from him. While I deplore violence, I have to say that this was a relief for me because it allows us to see that he truly cares about Sara and it's not just because she's an object of his altruism.

The clip of the scene is here:

Very, very disturbing scene as the prepubescent teenage girl sees T-Bag driving by with his Uneasy Massive Attack Music of Murdering Psychosis and realises that he has killed her father. Why can't T-Bag just die already? :P

Oh no Kellerman, over pie, is worming his way into Sara's good graces. *curls up into fetal position crying* I really can't bear to watch!! *wagh*

The phone rings .... it's The Phone Call. Yes, the Phone Call ... oh why does Kellerman have to be there?? At first, Sara's smiling.

Oh god, then her face changes as she realises who it is:

Oh my god it's Michael, his voice is so husky. Just a whisper, he's in darkness and leaning against a wall. Is he crying????

Michael: Sara, it's me.
Sara: What do you want?
Michael: I don't have time to talk and there's every chance that they're listening to this call right now.

Yes Michael! You are crazy! You are stupid! You are crazy stupid but because it's love that made you do this, I forgive you because I'm stupid! :D

Michael: ... but there's a lot I want to say .... please don't hang up on me.....

Gah, there's such a pleading note in his voice when he says 'please'. :'(

Sara: I don't want to talk to you.
Michael: I heard about ... I heard about what happened.

Sara, understandably, is incredibly shocked ... Kellerman listens. Creepily smug.

Oh my god, Michael's so upset. So am I!!!

Michael: I want you to know how sorry I am ..... for everything

Eek! The Pink Tracksuit Of Scorned Fury appears behind Michael but he's oblivious ....

Sara: Sorry's not gonna do me a whole lot of good with what I'm up against right now.

We slowly get some more light and can see Michael's face.

Michael: Listen. Anyone with any ties to me and my brother is in danger now.

Sara: I've no ties to you and your brother anymore.
Michael: There's a way I can protect you ...

Oh god, are Michael's eyelashes wet? Is he crying???

Michael: It's already in your protection.
Sara: What are you talking about?

Michael: It was real Sara ... you and me ... it's real ...

*thud* (sound of koala swooning)

Umm, Michael's in trouble. Michael, haven't you ever heard of:
Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd
Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd.
(William Congreve, The Mourning Bride, Act III)

Sara says: "Michael, Michael?" And yes she's kind of stupid. But I forgive her because I love her..

*sigh* Kellerman's so smug. Please god, please give Kellerman a satisfyingly Gory Demise. I'd settle for Humiliation.

Video clip of phone call. There's another version on youtube but that one's very dark and then there was a weird storm warning in the middle of it!

Here comes Mahone and the gang....

Mahone: Are we there yet?
Flunky: No!

Mahone: Are we there yet?

Tweener is still scamming the Dumbest Girl In The World - although we are tricked into believing that she suspects him

In yet another motel, Mahone has tricked Abruzzi and wants him to come out so that he can take him to prison.

Mahone: Come out!

Abruzzi: Don't wanna!

Mahone: What if I purse my lips in this sexy manner?

Abruzzi: You call that sexy?

Mahone: Why you little git!

Abruzzi: OK maybe I should have said his lips were sexy!

Mahone: No kidding

Abruzzi then dies.

Abruzzi: *sigh*

In another hotel, we realise we were being tricked by the writers. The Dumbest Girl In The World was calling her dad not the police. She and Tweener shag. Umm. Gross.

By the road, Michael farewells Nika for like the umpteenth time.

Thanks Nika
You're welcome. I guess.

For everything
Especially for saying my profile is cutest

It's true
Aw shucks you're making me blush

But yeah, it's adorable
Nika: Can I hug you?
Michael: I'm not sure that's a good ...

Michael: Oof!!
Don't tell Sara that happened

Nika then hugs Lincoln but she's more interested in stealing his gun.

Er Nika
I thought you thought I was cute

Um duh, that's why I'm not letting you go
Runt, you gotta stop making the chicks fall for you

I love you Michael
No bullets.

Linc, this is not my fault, dude
What the hell do they see in you anyway. And don't call me dude.

Shut up. He's cuter than you
And his profile is to die for ....

*grumble* *hello bare manly chest* *grumble grumble*
Michael we could have been great

I'm sorry

There's only Sara for me

I'll win him back ..
I still have a blue tracksuit ...

Mahone and Bespectacled Flunky have a discussion about Mahone's unsuccessful attempt to bring Abruzzi in. After the Flunky leaves, Mahone has a birdbath Oscar Shales moment ......

So. Thoughts.
  • Mahone is nuts. When he looks at a photograph of the uncannily beautiful Michael Scofield, he actually sees a birdbath the far less beauteous face of Oscar Shales. What's with that? Also he scrunched up Michael's beautiful photograph. He is nuts!

  • I'm inclined to agree with Bespectacled Flunkey when he queries Mahone for his actions in relation to Abruzzi. He should have just scooped him up beforehand - why did he want to go to go through the confrontation that would only have one result?

    1. Mahone is an evil, sick, twisted bastard. He is like a cat who likes to play with his food before he eats it? He wanted to play with Abruzzi, make him run through the motions of going into the hotel room, looking in the shower before realising that he'd been tricked? That's pretty sick if you ask me.

    2. Mahone doesn't want to take anyone in alive. He wants them all dead because he thinks that they are scum who don't deserve to live and death is the only suitable punishment. He seems himself as Vengeance - the Angel of Death and all that sort of crap.

    3. Mahone wanted to give Abruzzi 'honour' and 'face' and allow him the chance to die with honour rather than go back to prison.

    4. Mahone is a drug-addled retard with psychological problems, his birdbath/Oscar Shales obsession making it impossible for him to think and behave rationally despite his genius.

  • How much is Lincoln's life worth? I know Michael loves his brother but let's look at it the cost so far. To save Lincoln's life:

    • one dead Veronica
    • one dead Nick
    • one dead bad guy at the bottom of a well but we didn't like him anyway
    • one poor poor vet
    • one poor Dumb Dad
    • Sara's career, reputation and self-esteem
    • Michael's perfect skin
    • two of Michael's toes.
    • one dead Westmoreland
      one dead prison guard
    Thanks very much to ladysunflow for reminding me that I forgot the above :D

    Worth it? *sigh* This is going to make me unpopular but after this is 'all done', I believe that Michael does owe a debt to society which he will need to discharge by jail time or some form of strict community service. God only knows how many more people will die. :'(

Preview for next week's episode.

pic spam, prison break pic spam, prison break, michael/sara

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