On seeing《超人归来》Superman Returns for a second time ...

Jul 15, 2006 17:32

I need help, badly. I just got back from watching Superman Returns for the second time and the only coherent thought in my head is that I want to see it again. :P I had started a download of the episode 1 for season 3 of Stargate Atlantis but it hasn't finished downloading yet. On the one hand that makes me sad but on the other hand it's probably good because it gives me time to scribbling out my thoughts after watching Superman Returns for the second time. It was just as good if not better and Brandan Routh's eyes ... gah..... This time I was keeping a particularly look out for when he was giving his intense looks. *koala swoons*

icon by wurlocke

Also, I had been looking everywhere for what I was terming the 'haunting and inspirational' horn theme from Superman. Finally I found it. It's track 2 from the soundtrack of the first movie and it's called 'The Planet Krypton.' I only like 58 seconds of it so clipped it out with Goldwave :) Here is Krypton Theme from Superman: The Movie. It's also used at the start of the trailer for Superman Returns and also in track 6 of Superman Returns (How Could You Leave Us), starting at the 0.15 second mark.

Also, I feel the need to dissect the main title track for Superman Returns. Here is the main title track. This theme is 95% cool but there is a 5% daggy section in it :)

0.00 Very cool beginning and exciting build up to the movie as well as the track! :)
0.26 Flourish is excellent and very rousing! Very recognisable and heroic.
0.44 This bit sounds varguely Star Warsian, that's not a bad thing :)
1.28 Theme in full for Superman here - again, very inspirational! :)
1.47 Variation of the song 'Can you read my mind'. A bit syrupy but it's all right.
2.29 OK this bit is kind of dorky and daggy sounding. Sounds like a third rate high school marching band, and a bit pompous. I feel almost embarrassed when listening to it :)
2.45 This bit is sooo soooooo awesome with the build up - reminds me of Holst's Mars from The Planets it's so exciting. It's the best bit.

icon by wurlocke

Now I must geek out and swoon some more, so I'd better hide beneath a cut lest I embarrass myself anymore than I have. Ahem.

There are quite a few things I could have and probably should have done today with other people. Shopping with friends or meeting up with Singapore Girl. I really, really wanted to re-watch Superman Returns though and could not resist :P Also, movies don't stay more than 1-2 weeks at the cinema here so I knew if I wanted to see it again, I'd have to watch it quick smart.

This time I saw it right from the beginning and didn't miss any of the movie - I missed the first few minutes the first time I saw it.

How was it the second time? Sooooo good. Maybe even better than the first time around. This time since I was already won over by Brandon Routh and didn't need to go through the 'winning over process', I just allowed myself to enjoy his Super Cuteness from the start. I just adore Clark so much .... chicken fajitas falling awkwardly out of his mouth, looking so tentative and shy all the time ... I just want to hug him. It just reminds me that Smallville's version of Clark leaves me totally cold. There's something wrong about the fact that in Smallville I like Lex way better than I like either Clark of Superman. In Superman Returns, there is no way anyone other than Clark/Superman is my favourite character.

Clark moments - staring with his heart in his eyes at Lois. Listening intently - Clark's got a very puppy-dog way of listening.

icon creator names in file names
As a contrast to the bumbling yet ever so lovable Clark, Superman always looks so calm, stern and austere yet when he's sad he breaks my heart. I love how Routh manages to make Superman so different manner-wise from Clark.

icon creator names in file names
Superman has so many excellent, smouldering Eye Shots in this movie. I particularly kept a watch out for his smouldering 'eyes filled with flames' look that he gets when he's standing between the shuttle and the aeroplane and he turns his head to the side just briefly .... I spontaneously combusted in my seat. There are a lot of other wonderful close-up shots of his face and eyes. I cannot wait until this movie comes out on dvd and I will be capping the absolute hell out of.


Fans self and tries to calm down.

The scene when Superman is by his son's bed, reaching out to him and speaking with him. That would be an excellent icon. The thing that strikes me about the movie is how they convey Superman's loneliness .... he's just so solitary and alone in the universe despite being surrounded by people. I can understand why Lois would stay with Richard and who is a wonderful person but it is so heart-breaking for me ......

Notwithstanding all the touching moments, my favourite moments really are still the hero shots of him soaring through the sky .... I heard a little Chinese boy whisper to his mother: "How does he do that?"

"电脑 技术 diànnǎo jìshù (computer tecnology)," she whispered back in a much louder voice.

*sigh* I have a feeling that this might be my favourite movie for the year. Hence my incoherence .... I just want to go back and squee over it ...

Updated: Many beautiful icons here. *swoon*

movies, superman returns

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