Bats, BSG fic, ABC Shop

Jan 20, 2006 20:47

daynnight recently made me smile and smile when she described a bat she had encountered as follows:
I got some pics of the bat that has decided the classroom is a perfect home. When I get home, I will try to remember to upload the best ones. Anyway, he was removed from the building today and despite being very lethargic at first, I think he either flew or crawled away. He was gone later when I went to look for him. My money though is on me finding him again in the classroom! Only time will tell.

I could just 'see' the little lethergic but conscientiously studious bat in my head.

I'm usually frightened of bats because of that whole Dracula, undead, blood-sucking creatures of the night thing plus I also watched that rather bad Lou Diamond Phillips, Dina Meyer movie Bats, but I swear, daynnight's little bat friend is quite sweet! See the bat pics at her post nana nana nana nana BATMAN!

Also, dear, sweet juprujac continues her noble and self-appointed task of Reading Fic (Bad And Good) So That Selfish Koala Doesn't Have To Suffer Her Way Slogging Through Bad Fic and has told me about a really well-written Apollo fic by someone named widget285. The story is called The Good Soldier, it's non shippy and deals with Cain and Apollo.

The story is a missing scene for the episode Resurrection Ship, part 1 and the summary is: "Lee used to be a good soldier". It's a very good read. Thanks so much juprujac! I'm a bit scared you've already figured out what I like and what I don't like. I've become ... predictable! :D

Amended: I receive a lot of emails about where to get Australian tv series and movies (usually requests for SeaChange). I just ordered North and South from the ABC Shop in Australia. The website is here. When I'm in Australia, that's where I get all my BBC dramas and Aussie tv shows because it's cheaper than They have books, music, tv series and movies and they do ship overseas. The dvds are Zone 4 though and PAL - just like the UK.

bats, battlestar galactica, being aussie

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