Title: Pic Fic: The Rest is Silence
Characters: Apollo/Sharon
Spoilers: Miniseries, season 1 and season 1
Notes: Sharon-centric as it is written from Apollo's point of view. Very much AU (duh! :). (
Evil Misleading cut that takes you to an intro plus links to the actual story )
I don't really go for that whole hate borders on love thing - there are some people (very few) that I can say I hated. When I hated, I definitely didn't love them at all :D Sometimes hate is just ... hate.
Thing is, his hate has to be tempered by his acceptance of Sharon's good deeds - both Classic Sharon and Nouveau Sharon. If you go back through the series - which I had to do to make my screencaps - you see that with the exception of Starbuck, Sharon is the pilot with whom he's had the most 'screen' contact.
They weren't friends - but I think that's because she was his subordinate and always acted like it. Dutiful, hard-working, conscientious etc. He liked her, was fond of her but probably never considered as a romantic interest because she was so in awe of him. Maybe not awe - just deferential.
Then suddenly, she's back. He's seething with hatred and emotion and the person he used know suddenly appears to have grown a 'spine'. She talks back, she challenges him - she's his equal in every way including strength - in which she in fact exceeds him. It's not a stretch to say he would find this intriguing and fascinating. I'm taking it the extra step further by saying that he falls in 'love'.
I'm not sure if you noticed but in my pic fic there was no suggestion that Sharon returns his feelings, that Apollo thinks she does or even expects he to do so. It was deliberate. Sharon's love for Tyrol and then Helo are very important. I think that Apollo, in seeing how deeply and truly a 'thing' like Sharon is able to love first Tyrol and then Helo also makes thinks twice about her humanity. I was exploring the idea in the fic that his feelings for Sharon may make him realise that Cylons are more than machines - even if the cause of this realisation was something no one aside from him ever knew about.
Apollo's angst wasn't compelling for me either, but as I said - I like the way he put it aside later. He's not a tough guy - he's flawed as they all are but it makes him interesting.
AHH! Now see, this is what I was missing in my mind. I can totally see this prompting his fascination...must ponder further...
I'm not sure if you noticed but in my pic fic there was no suggestion that Sharon returns his feelings, that Apollo thinks she does or even expects he to do so
Oh that's my favorite part of your pic!fic. :D "She doesn't know that I know every flicker, every expression that appears on her face." - "No one can ever know. She can never know."
Ack, ok, too much time spent looking at pretty pictures of Sharon and thinking about fics *that must not be written!*. :D
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