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I had low expectations for this film and only saw it because I like Michael B Jordan from Friday Night Lights but have to say I ended up loving it.
The only shortcoming was Tessa Thompson's character. The love interest wasn't particular necessary or compelling. I couldn't tell if it was ordinary acting on her part of poor writing/directing. In any case, it was the only 'flaw' in another strong and interesting story.
Things I liked:
- Michael B John's performance. He's good - persuasive and not bratty. He has a wonderful physicality.
- Stallone's performance. I was surprised that I liked him so much. He wasn't cocky, he was very low-key, humble and was wonderful as the mentor.
- the fighting, the training, the montage sequences
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- the music
- the Rocky-Adonis relationship... it was touching. Adonis taking care of Rocky .. :'(
Really glad I watched it despite almost giving it a miss...
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