My head was spinning and spinning after the last episode ... Clarification though - the image above was from last week's episode. I included it because Alicia looks lovely and elegant even when she's eavesdropping :D
1. At the end of last week's episode, my loathing for Zach was seething up again. First of all I can't believe he didn't realise Becca was the Evil Tweeter.
Secondly, I can't believe he'd still hook up with Becca after it became clear that she was the Evil Tweeter. Some people have said that his relationship with Alicia isn't that great but he seemed quite protective of her before and there was nothing to indicate that he resented her. Finally, I just can't stand Zach - he has a stupid and annoying face and he's a bit of a snot :P
2. Alicia/Will ... argh ... I am soooo conflicted. First, although I love Will to bits, the show has done a very good job of painting him as much less 'good' than we first thought. I'm not saying he's evil, but his morals are definitely as questionably flexible as Peter's. Secondly, I think infidelity is wrong no matter how much I like the characters, how much chemistry they have and how much of a dirtbag Alicia's husband is. Thirdly, I don't want Alicia to do anything that leaves her open to being down at Peter's level. Nonethelesss....
3. Peter/Alicia. There's no doubt that Chris Noth is excellent in the role and portrays Peter Florrick very sympathetically and makes him much more likeable than that sort of character usually is but the fact is ... he slept with prostitutes, he cheated on Alicia and although he may not be built of all the corrupt conduct of which he is accused but he probably did a lot of it! I couldn't believe that Peter had the nerve to grill Alicia about the condoms in her drawer ... I mean did HE use condoms when he was sleeping with that prostitute? *shudder* Why did Alicia sleep with Peter in the last episode? Was she just very turned out and frustrated? Was it guilt? Was it self-punishment? Why, Alicia, why?? :) And also - the thought of Alicia sleeping with Peter again was just very revolting to me after all he had done. :P
4. Cary ... I have such a horrible dread that his role will end soon. I hated the slimy little weasel at the beginning of the series but I've come to like him a lot. He wasn't a caricature, he's just a very realistic portrayal of your garden variety, young, competitive, slightly insecure lawyer ... I know of firms where they'd taken on a dozen law students as summer clerks/interns and tell them that only six positions were available - making them fight it out till the death. Very unpleasant. I like that the show didn't portray him as over the top evil, backstabbing and with a twirling moustache. He has weaknesses but the also has his strengths and he's not the demon to Alicia's angel.
5. I'm so conflicted about Kalinda. I love her character - but she's so duplicitous! What if she's evil? A double agent, out for herself .. I like her as Alicia's friend and hope she never does anything to betray that. I don't really care if she's gay or not because the interesting facets of her character relate to her motivations and morals rather than her sexuality.
6. I laughed when last week's guest star was Steve Sanders (Ian Ziering) from the original Beverly Hills 902010.
I remember back in uni, there was a girl who was madly in love with him when every one else was going for Jason Priestley and Luke Perry and it was just baffling because the character and character were just so urgh :D
The show took some time to find its feet but I like it a lot now. Probably the only thing I don't like about it is the law firm at which Alicia works. Stern, Lockhart & Gardner (Lockhart & Gardner), is supposed to be a prestigious Chicago law firm.
First of all, Will's a bit too young to be a name partner in a large law firm. It's fine if it's a smaller firm, but they have tried to make the firm look very successful and prestigious - the only way I'll buy it if the Gardner is Will's father and he's Gardner Jr.
Secondly, the economic difficulties, cutbacks and cases that the firm are having suggest a smaller rather than a larger firm. I think the show fell down because they wanted to have the clout and prestige of a large law firm but the interactions and individuality of a smaller boutique law firm. It appears that there are other partners at the firm but the dynamics and management structure seem very weird to me.
Anyway, the show is good and I'll keep watching ... I just hope that Becca and Zach get what's coming to them ...