Heh one year ago in October 2007, I did a post called
Shows I'm watching, might watch and have dropped. I've been juggling so many different shows and trying with varying levels of success to keep up. Here's my update.
Will try to watch weekly but will not be distressed if I fall behind a little bit/Shows on probation
Sanctuary. It's ok. It's entertaining. I'll see how it goes for a few more episodes. This show is on probation.
Fringe. It's entertaining. I don't love it, but I don't hate it, the heroine is vapid and annoying ... It's on probation.
Sarah Connor Chronicles. Season 2 is still fairly entertaining and if I can remember to obtain it every week, I will obtain it. If not, I'll just wait for the dvd.
Have fallen behind and may have to wait for the Beijing pirates to put together a DVD at the end of the season
House. It's not that I don't love this show, it's just that part of me rather likes watching the full season in one hit on dvd, so I'm going to wait until it's coming out on dvd given that I've fallen behind a bit.
Stargate Atlantis. I fell behind at about 5.04 and it's looking as though that might be another one to save for the Beijing Pirates to package on dvd for me. To be honest, this season just hasn't has the same sparkle as previous seasons.
Not bad but for some reason I got out of the habit of watching but might watch again later on dvd
Dr Who. Private Practice. I can't remember why I stopped watching this.
Shows that I'm catching up on now via dvd
Pushing Daisies. I fell behind with obtaining episodes of
Pushing Daisies so have bought the first season on dvd to try to catch up.
Chuck. I watched the pilot before, liked it, didn't love it - but we're giving it a go.
Shows where I'm waiting for the cheapie dvd release
Cold Case. Not in a terrible hurry with this one. Like the cold cases themselves, there's no real urgency :)
Criminal Minds. This is a series that I can take or leave. I'd like to watch the latest seasons - but on dvd.
Prison Break. I gave up on
Prison Break in season 3, found the
first episode of season 4 ho hum even though it improved slightly. I haven't watched any more since 4.03 or 4.04 though so it looks like I may have fallen behind to the point that I'll just wait until the Beijing Pirates put together the season 4 dvd set ...
Gone forever from my Watch List
True Blood. I wrote about eps 1 and 2
here and then gave up after episode 3
here. This show is just so incredibly bad I cannot believe it. I thought
Moonlight was bad, but at least the characters were relatively lovable in that series. In True Blood the characters and plots are just soooooooo bad. *curls up in fetal position and hits head on floor*
New Amsterdam.. Bad bad bad bad. It was cancelled and it's out on dvd but I gave up after episode 3 or 4 and will not bother catching up even on dvd.
Knight Rider. Bad, bad bad.
Heroes. I've given up on this series even though the Canadian is still sort of persisting.
Absolutely must watch and will download as they become available
Supernatural. Season 4 of
Supernatural seems to have discovered a new energy and direction.
Burn Notice. I still love this show even though so far season 2 isn't as great as season 1.
Bones. I still like this show even though I believe that
lately it's been a little lacking in sparkle. Numb3rs. I am still persisting with
Numb3rs and watched episode 5.01 High Exposure.
In the season opener, Don's team gains a new member while Charlie has to deal with the fallout of losing his clearance. The episode was entertaining but it seems to have developed a little of the
flatness and malaise that seems to have pervaded the last two seasons of
For a while, my head was stuffed with excitement about
Numb3rs in the same way it was obsessed with
Bones. My LJ was just overflowing with obsessive enthusiasm. I don't think that it was the passage of time or other interests that caused my adoration to wane ... I think it's just really, really tough to sustain a television show for a long period of time. That being said, 'High Exposure' had a nice element to it in the manner in which it re-focussed on the Epps brothers - which is after all what the show is all about. One of the reasons I was drawn to the show in the beginning was the beautiful warmth of the family relationship on the show. Of course later on, the stocky, chunky but heroic
Colby Granger was another reason I liked it :)
I'll see how it goes. My feeling is that the show should focus on the cases, the family, the dynamic between the characters. It should stay away from romance. The Amita/Charlie relationship is so tepidly boring that it makes me want to snore. Similarly, Don's seemingly endless array of past flames and squeezes of the moment starts to become ridiculous and I start to wonder whether the man has serious commitment issues. It's very unendearing.
Recent additions to the
shows that I have loved and lost list:
Wonderfalls Dead Like Me.
I raved about both of them
Women's Murder Club. I wrote about it
here and expressed sadness
here when it was cancelled.