stole from Megan~

May 28, 2010 08:10

I'm sick and have nothing else to do :D Some are copypasta'd.

01. I eat foods by textures vs taste, and I try to avoid microwaves unless it can't be helped. I secretly think they're evil.

02. I refuse regular milk about 98% of the time, instead preferring soy. :3

03. I get cold very easily. ;~; Likewise, I get warm very easily. There is no proper balance with me.

04. Despite being kinda shy, I do have ridiculously social moments and have been known to get along with a LOT of people o3o

05. I really want to be a psychiatrist, even if it exhausts me in the end. And I'm not sure why.

06. Believe it or not, I'm extremely self-concious and constantly primp myself to make sure I look "decent". D: It makes me feel bad.

07. I chew/bite on the inside of my cheeks and lips, a lot; especially when I'm nervous, bored, or agitated. This is because I have an oral fixation, and need to be chewing gum or sucking on a lollipop/candy almost all the time.

08. I love zombie-anything, even if the movie itself sucks. *u* deliciousssssss.

09. I hate Anne Rice's writing, seriously. D: I tried to like it and get into it, but it gives me a headache. But, I will admit that she has believable vampires and give her credit for that.

10. I don't like Hetalia, at all, and probably never will. And yes, I have seen half the series with the thought of "it's going to get better, right?". But I do appreciate good cosplay of it.

11. Gamer girl, straight up, even if I'm picky about said games lolololol. I'm playing Zelda: Link to the Past right now :D

12. I write fanfiction of my favourite Kpop bands/stans at the time and I'm not ashamed to admit it 8D~ (and I've gotten better, lolololol)

13. I quote horribly unfunny memes, both IRL and to the internet.

14. I fangirl like ridiculously badly, lololololololol. To the point of buying pointless merchandise (I have fucking Jonghyun socks) and following the members on Twitter when they do have it~

15. I have to dance or move in some way when I hear music, period; or sing along. Even if it's terrible and awful, I GOTTA DO IT. :D

16. Relating to music, I find dance studios incredibly comfortable and relaxing, and find myself sleeping in one whenever I get the chance. ♥

17. the song Wedding Dress by Taeyang makes me cry. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. even this awesome remix of it I have ;______;

18. I'm found really anywhere on LJ, I'm just Anonymous most of the time :DDDDDDD

19. I'm very close to my mommy ;__; I can tell her anything.

20. I try to put things back in their place at the stores, to make retail work easier on the workers. Sorry ;w;

21. my real life is very very boring since i dropped out of school. D:

22. I ride around in shopping carts, especially at Walmart. 8D CART RACINGGGGGGG.

23. Uhh...I eat my rice plain o3o As in no butter, salt, soysace...only rarely do I put furikake on it. <>I'mtooAsian That'd work if I was Asian, LOL.

24. I would love to live above Uwajimaya one day. (And not just for the eyecandy!)

25. I'm terrified of spiders, cockroaches, maggots, death, hospitals (even videogame ones, I freak out), feet, and long fingers. Especially feet and long fingers. Cries ;_;

random, meme

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