Car, Bro, Books...

Feb 22, 2009 21:16

My car is back and fixed.  My neck is working on being fixed.

My brother had an out of town High School AWANA Games tournament yesterday, it was a set-up of both bible quizzing and AWANA games (with running, passing items back and forth etc.) bro and his team did really well. =)

Book Nook so far this month:
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield                      2/2/2009
The Awakening by Kate Chopin                                     2/9/2009
Christmas Letters by Debbie Macomber                    2/13/2009
Rainy Day Kisses by Debbie Macomber                     2/15/2009
What-the-Dickens by Gregory Maguire                        2/21/2009
Deafening by Francis Itani                                             2/22/2009

and I picked out The Lost King by Raphael Sabatini to start next.

awana, book nook, car

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