(no subject)

Jun 15, 2008 17:52

Happy Father's Day! .. to all to whom it applies.

Friday, my family and I went to the memorial service for a small 2 year old boy.  His family goes to our church.  His death was a complete accident, and it was very sad.  That evening, the boy's uncle had a wedding rehearsal for the next day.  All at the same church, in the same family.  "rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn."  And yes, they did.  They supported each other as a group, and rejoiced with each other as a group.  Saturday was the actual wedding for the uncle.

I return to work tomorrow.  I get to work this summer with pre-school aged DHH (Deaf and Hard of Hearing) kids. =) I was sooo excited to find out.  I will be at the same school I was at last summer, but this summer I will get to stay with the type of kids I normally work with, just much younger in age. *squeeeeee!*

Reading: if no one has heard of I Before E (Except After C) Old School Ways To Remember Stuff by Judy Parkinson, it is very cool, well, if you're are a strange "like's to learn" nerd like me.  Some stuff I've heard before, others I haven't, some I probably wouldn't use, but some really seems like a good idea. There are also some fun poems, that show problems and frustrations with certain things (like spell check), that are a blast.

Anyway, that's about it.
High Ho, High Ho, it's back to work I go..


book nook, work

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