Dec 18, 2005 20:52
wow i totally forgot about the crazy lady. cuz at college on saturday and sunday most of the union is closed, they transported us to the mall for food. on the way home we only had 20 min until practice started cuz the bus was late and this lady asked to come on the bus and they let her. she preached about how jesus told her to come on the bus and talk to us and that we were a special group of kids and made us bow our heads and pray and prayed we'll play better than we ever have and she was like 'I dont hear you!' i was like..and here comes the gun. zach bit a hold in his finger cuz he was biting it trying not to say anything cuz hes jewish. it was so funny i hid my head cuz i was laughing betw. her and zach, but it was scary. the she asked who actually prayed and said she would pray especially for those 12 kids. i hate when ppl escape from the nut house. pushing ur religion on someone is messed up. jews dont do that, they dont even want ppl to convert. hard rock was fun just we got there at 7, went in saw chris messing around, got kicked out cuz of sound check so we ate, brought food back for his bandmates, and waitied outside. we got there early enough before they were charging admission so that was free :) and the security guards saw i didnt have a bracelet on but we were there forever. they didnt go on til like 10 15 and when we went in theyre like BRACELETS and im under 18 and not suppossed to be there but they let us in and i took some videos cuz pics wouldnt show up cuz the fog and lights. it was fun i was exhausted after. yesterday we went shopping and i saw tony at the wrapping booth. i finished my shopping yay! i cant wait to go away. ive been talking to zach which is cool cuz i still like him, gotta bring that up sometime and see what happens lol. we're such losers. he wore my jacket so he was kayla the stripper who dances on the clarinet and i was the puma king. hah.