Man, have I ever had a case of "the gimmies" lately. I blame Christmas. I know it's not coming for a while, unlike what department stores will have you believe.
But...if I buy myself
an LED lamp to replace my regular one, then it'll put less of a strain on my power bar, and it'll help the environment. So it's perfectly justified. Not to mention
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and, randomly throwing up is bad! any idea why? :(
Well, I went to the doctor about it, a few months ago, and they did a barrage of testing, and said it could just be stomach inflammation. She gave me some pills that were supposed to calm my stomach, and I think they did, but I finished them a while back. Guess I should ask for more...was hoping it wouldn't be a continuous thing, y'know? I already have enough daily pills to take. :P
... Can I borrow it sometime, pwetty please?
and daily pills suck. i'm cutting back on my effexor for just that reason. so far so good...
btw, it was really good to see you when you were here. you seemed a lot happier and more relaxed/comfortable/etc than the last time i saw you. i have my ideas why that might be, but i tend to be full of shit and make stuff up so who knows :)
all that to say i'm glad you're doing well.
i have my ideas why that might be, but i tend to be full of shit and make stuff up so who knows :)
LOL, do tell. I'd be curious to hear your theory about that.
my effexor dosage was 75mg/day and now i'm taking 37.5mg/day. what's great is that i've discovered the slight withdrawal symptoms i get make me feel like i'm drunk or high :P if i miss a pill outright i just feel dizzy and like crap, but this lower dosage thing is fun! :P
good thing it's temporary though.
LOL. Have fun with the low dosage long does it take to wear off? I've been toying with the idea of lowering mine (Cipralex), too.
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