Halfway mark

Dec 06, 2010 09:40

So, my perfectly imperfect son is six months old. Half of a year, his first year.
last couple of weeks Ihad the feeling he was at a real turning point. So many changes.
First of all, he had to confront some important changes in his lifestyle. In fact, we moved him out of our bedroom and put him in his bedroom, sleeping on his own. I was a bit terrified, but he took the news well:his sleeping patterns did not change(that is, he went on not sleeping all night long!).
Last Monday, we also started to eat babyfood at lunchtime. A real success, apart from a small detail:with perfect timing, a tooth made his apparition. My sos smile improved thanks to it, but his eating skills deteriorated, because of the pain.
The most touching change was his newfound ability to call me:everytime I'm not in his range of vision, or if he's distressed or he's having a tantrum, he calls "Mamma!"(Which of course means mum). I was astonished, because I thought he was still too young to knowledgeably say it. But it's pretty obvious he means it. Obviously, I cannot resist, and I pick him up each and everytime. Must stop.

My life is still full of him. Sometimes I wish to leave for a small desert tropical island, and stay there for at least two months. But I love him, so everything is fine. He's starting to be pretty fun.
I only wish I have more time for myself, for reading, drawing, writing...this kind of stuff.

personal post, son

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