ANIME: Boku no Pico, Pico to Chico & Pico x Coco x Chico

Feb 05, 2015 03:55

Hello :)..... Today I'm sharing these three shota OVAs published by Natural High in 2006 and 2007.

I'm also sharing a oneshot related to the first OVA and published in 2007. It tells us the story of Pico and Mokkun¡s date at the amusement park where Mokkun has ulterier motives ;P

Both, the oneshot and the anime OVAs, are in English and Spanish..... Enjoy  them :***

OVAs in Spanish:

OVAs in English:

Oneshot in Spanish and English:

More information in:

I'm also taking this oportunity to wish Happy Birthday to my livejournal friends whose birthdays were past month... Sorry for the belated congratulations and...........


rikuchan_0, coco_cunt, kellystarz, shnuppi, somettop, djin_nu, sumire007, chu_gau & kokiden

I hope you enjoyed a lot your special fays and qish your B-Days were full of love and mangas jejeje :D

~~english scanlation, #bl, #yaoi, #shota, ~~spanish scanlation, @anime, @oneshot

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