Oct 14, 2011 08:45
I realize we haven't managed to communicate here on the Public list recently the things that we've been discussing and getting done on the Board and Staff lists, so... sorry about that. We should've posted more here to let you know some of the things that have been going on.
Although, to be honest, it's mostly been boring stuff like budgetary reorganization. And how right now our Guest of Honor, Fossil, is already cranking out RCFM artwork. Sometimes there's just not much to report about until we get closer to May...
One thing I would like to let everyone know about, though, is that we unanimously voted to ask Illya to join us as one of the Board of Directors. He joined the list a couple of days ago and he already dove straight into the discussions of organizational things the Board is currently considering.
So everyone please congratulate our newest Director, Illya. ;) *insert flashing applause sign here*
(We'll come up with a title for him soon enough. Maybe he'll think of one he likes, though? Directors get to make decisions like that...)