Mar 21, 2011 22:03
I can't keep to much, I have a million started journals and agendas and stories, etc. I always have the best intentions, really. I guess I don't have the dedication for it, I get busy or lazy or injured or sick. I work about 50 hours a week, I sleep when I can, I run into trees while skiing (then don't get pain killers from the nice hospital people for 4 hours), I haven't had the best immunity system lately, and I care more about the people in my life than even having internet in my apartment. I just got cable and internet last week, about a month before the one year anniversary of living here. Speaking of anniversaries, the boyfriend and I just had ours this weekend. We still haven't had a real fight, which makes me overly happy to be in such a good relationship for once, but also a bit concerned, what will happen when we have one? But I have a feeling it will still be a while for that, we're doing really well.
But, my point was, I suck at keeping journals. I want to stick to it. I'm going to try to do the once a week bit again, I had that going for quite a while. Let's see if I can do it again :)