Yunho is my gay idol

Sep 11, 2011 19:07

I used to be 95% sure that Yunho was homosexual. Now I am 97% sure.

I could be wrong, I mean, I've been wrong before, but he just seems gay to me. I'm not saying that he's overtly feminine or anything like that. I'm not even talking about the weird thing he does with his hands when he's dancing (I doubt that has to do with homosexuality. I think it's just a thing he does to keep time with the music). In Korean standards, Yunho is actually pretty manly, and is the perfect family man. He would make a great husband and an amazing father.

So no, I'm not talking about being feminine at all. I'm talking about the way he talks, the movement of his body, the ways he shows his affection. It's fairly easy for me to tell that someone is gay, though I usually say that they are bisexual (I believe Jae is bi). And, again, I could be wrong, because I'm American, not Korean, but it is just so blatantly obvious. Gay actors are easy to tell because they are uncomfortable acting with actors of the opposite sex. And every time I see Yun with a girl, in a drama or just hanging out, he comes off as awkward. His smiles seem more forced, but only slightly, because he is usually enjoying what the girl is saying.

But when he is with men, he is truly charming and smiles his brightest. The looks he sends certain guys (Jae and a few others--This is NOT me being a YunJae fangirl, I've just seen it more with Jae, is all) are much too fond. I mean, come on, the looks he give Changmin and Jaejoong are completely different. When he is with men, he moves more fluidly, he tells more jokes, laughs more, makes eye contact. He is extremely touchy when it comes to his guy friends, but when it comes to girls, he tenses up. He is more in his element when it comes to the same sex.

When it comes to Jae, who I believe is bi just from the way he treats girls and guys exactly the same, even showing the same amount of affection and making the same jokes and using the same charming smile, it's different. If Yunho is gay, which is highly likely, there is about a 60 to 70% chance that he liked Jae. He might have liked him for a year or just a few weeks. And if Jae is bi (I give him an 80% chance), there is an undetermined chance that he liked Yun, for whatever amount of time. The reason I can't put a percentage on the possibility is simply because he is unpredictable and his feelings appear to change on a whim.

Now, do I think they were ever together? No, not at all. I'm not going to bother with a percentage, because there is Yunho, who sends Jae fond, longing glances every now and again but is still completely clueless to other people's feelings for him, and there is Jae, who might be unpredictable and unafraid to make his point known but still extremely shy when it comes to romance. I wouldn't be surprised if they did try it, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they both assumed the other person was straight and just gave up.

And for one, Yunho is exactly the type of person who would never come out. He respects his family too much. He thinks that by fulfilling his dream as a singer and a dancer, he has imposed on his parents too much already. So, in order to make it up to them, he has already planned to give them grandchildren like most Korean parents want. He probably doesn't even acknowledge the fact that he's gay. In order for him to realize it, he would have to have someone either extremely important to him or someone who is his exact type come up to him and tell him they liked him. It would depend on his reaction to it, but he'd either be curious enough to accept, or he'd say no. Then the person he said no to would have be really persistent, like showing up all over the place, or maybe just... showing up all over the place, trying to get his attention.

The thing is, Jaejoong is kind of the same way. Sure, he is important to Yunho enough for Yunho to consider going out with, and if not, he can be persistent as hell. But the problem is that if Yunho were to say no, Jaejoong is also extremely insecure, and he'd probably take it as a blow to his self-esteem. So, rather than risk rejection, Jaejoong wouldn't ask Yunho in the first place. But I don't even think Jae has been with a man, because to me, he seems like the kind of person who would never pursue anyone because he just assumed that every guy he became interested in was straight. That's where being bisexual comes in handy, but judging from his song essay thing (I read it cuz someone posted it. Sorry, I'm not a JYJ fan. Don't know why, so don't ask), he was going through some tough heartbreak, something that came off to me as gay related. Again, I could be wrong.

So, anyway, I'm fairly certain Jaejoong would need the same thing Yunho does. Someone who is straightforward, will do the asking, the teaching. Take the fear out of it for him. So if he is too scared to go after Yunho, and Yunho is too scared to go after him, and they both think the other straight, nothing gets done. And it's not like they can tell anyone about their troubles and hope for a friend to do a little of the dirty work. Junsu is so Christian he practically has the cross tattooed onto his back (yeah, sure, over time he'd come to get over it, but at first he'd be afraid of them being gay), and Changmin is so opinionated that you have no idea whether he's going to be okay with it or be homophobic like Junsu. Yoochun is really kind of an unknown, and I think that's what is so terrifying about telling him. He lived in America, sure, but he hated it there. And Chun is such a good friend that he wouldn't be worth losing over a crush (I disagree, but this is Jae we're talking about).

Do I think they would be good together? Absolutely. Jae is sexy and rebellious but insecure, and Yun is sexy and dorky but level headed. They complete each other. Jae even said so himself. The problem is the fear of coming out and the fear of losing friends. NMS is somewhat based on this.

All in all, Yunho is my gay idol, and I look up to him and respect him all the more for it. Whether he's gay or not, I choose to believe he's gay because he comes off that way. And it's not like he would ever come out or tell me, a lowly fan, that he's gay. Of course he'd say he was straight, because he could lose everything otherwise.

Chun also comes off as bi to me, but more of a 70% chance, and Min is either gay or straight, with a higher percentage of being gay than straight, but only slightly. He could be bi, but it doesn't show. Junsu is straight. No doubt about it, but again, I could be wrong.

What do you guys think?


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