Overall, a great night, but I wish I could have spent it with Alex. Oh, relationships.

May 03, 2008 04:53

+I went to the bar with my roommate and had a great time dancing, as well as watching her fend off older guys who work there
-Alex is backpacking in West Virginia so he wasn't with me :(
-So I had to fend off boys who tried to hit on/dance with me
-It was actually pretty gross
-It was even grosser watching girls put out after a few minutes of dancing with a guy...?
+I had the best fun on the stage where there were no guys and Lauren and I were just dancing our butts off towards the front
+I only spent $14
-But towards the end, I had a little too much, too fast because we got free shots (which was stupid because I hadn't eaten since seven or so) and I threw up a little
-My ears are ringing after being at the bar for three and a half hours, especially since we were near the speakers most of the time
+I just spent an hour walking around North Campus having a heart-to-heart with my friend (who is also Alex's roommate)
+He informed of this great Beatles cover band (that's legit, they've heard before) who is playing at Fe next Friday and I'm going to try to go (and drag Alex)
-I have a lot of work to do tomorrow (today)
+Chevy Chase Ballroom's College Night is going 80's tomorrow (tonight)! I'm excited :D
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