first semester gets two thumbs up. coming up, a rather boring post.

Dec 23, 2007 18:45

So, now that I'm not surrounded by my friends all the time (I miss being at College Park...but it is nice to be home and see everyone that I've missed all semester!) For now, I turn to you, LJ. It's been a while since I've had a good entry...

This semester has been crazy! I'm surprised I pulled off A's in most of my classes (3 A-'s, 1 A, and a B in psychology - no surprise there since I never went to class...) I loved English, even though a grad student taught it. He was amazing, and I wish him luck wherever he other classes were bull besides that one, but hopefully next semester will be great (2 honors seminars, 2 100 classes, and gems. scintillating!)

Ballroom has consumed my life - I've been traveling a lot, practicing a lot, and just loving it a lot. We went to Ohio and towards the end of January, we're going to NY again! I also went to Orlando to be a back up dancer and it was AMAZING!! Watch Disney's Christmas Day Parade Special, 10AM on ABC!! I might be on TV!! :3
The only downside to all the traveling is that I've been spending a lot of money and ballroom is an expensive hobby to begin with...It's still fun, though! I think I'm going to be in DC for the Yuletide Ball, which is a pro/am competition and I'm volunteering :) It'll be nice, considering I haven't danced for a while (minus yesterday at Atlantic Ballroom...)

The parties at Maryland have been pretty good, too. I've had a fair share of the good, a fair share of the bad, and then some kick-ass get togethers in our rooms and such. The good, the bad, and the ugly (as far as drama's concerned). Haha, only kidding. I'm really looking forward to next semester, especially because my friends will be so close all the time. The irony of all this is that I didn't get to see my friends from home more often and we actually have to plan to see each other (which reminds me that we should plan lunches again...)

Sooo that's my semester summed up in a few paragraphs. Any other questions? Feel free to ask :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their break!!
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