Jul 29, 2005 13:02
it especially sucks when someone tells you that this stree is for sure not a one way. so you believe them cuz you blindly tend to put all your faith in other people eventhough you know you're completely naive and it always bites you in the ass. so you're going down this road and then you suddenly realize that you're going the wrong way completely and you were so sure that the other person would never mislead you and then you realize again that this person perhaps never knew for sure that it wasn't a one way anyway. this all very much sucks. and i'm sure anyone can guess that this is totally not about a literal one way street here. but it's always gonna happen...i mean who hasn't done it....literally for otherwise? there's nothing i can do to turn it into a two way....this realization is the worst of all. or maybe it's that i'll probably put my blind faith into the next person that assures me that i'm not about to go the wrong way down the one way. i'm wondering if this is the way i should be or if i should just stop listenind and trusting them. hmmmm. i'll have to think on it. maybe i'll just walk or take the bus and give up on the vw in the end. i wonder how i would carry groceries home then. that would be hard.
so here's to hoping that whoever reads this doesn't go the wrong way down the one way. and hoping that you don't think i'm insane at this point.