Counting my blessings, #4: Hand-me-down clothes.

Jul 20, 2013 08:33

With three children in the house, there is always someone who needs an item of clothing. This morning, as I took the soft, old cotton pajamas of my baby, I realised (again) how grateful I am for all the clothes that have been handed down to us. Washed again and again, they are creamy soft against the children’s skin and traces of questionable chemicals are long since washed out. The clothes are free, and thus part of what allows us both to work a bit less than full time. Oh, and the clothes are either picked up at the homes of or delivered straight to my home by friends or family. That way, I don’t need to spend time and energy going shopping for a myriad of basic items. Instead, I can sit down with a cup of coffee and catch up with the person handing down the clothes.

What’s not to like?

If you have clothes your children have outgrown that you would like to pass on, but don't have family or friends needing or wanting the clothes, please remember that there are people who need clothes but don't have anyone passing on to them. One organization doing this is  Native Progress, through their Okini Program. I currently have a box packed and ready for shipping to a mother with younger children than mine. I'm grateful for this chance to pay it forward.

counting my blessings, children, blessings, mothering

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