May 23, 2006 11:36
Last Wednesday I went down to Chicago with Amber, Toshi, and Jaime to see Pearl Jam. The traffic going down there was horrible and all I kept doin was telling Toshi and Jaime that I expect them to cook me some really great food one day since they're both chefs. The show itself was ok...but nothing too impressive. That surprised me, because I expected Pearl Jam to be more impressive....perhaps they will be when they're with Tom Petty. Well, Toshi and I went outside to smoke and the bartender who told us where to go, didn't tell us we had to get our ticket scanned. So when we tried to get back in, they said "sorry your ticket has already been scanned". So after 10 minutes of arguing they finally let us back in. I would've so been pissed if they didn't. After the show we went to the Excalibur. I took a few pics in the photobooth there and as I looked up I saw "" "the gentleman grochowski show". I was like thats my last name! I checked it out on the interweb the other day and apparently its this guys comedy show thats aired in Chicago only.
Thursday I got lunch with Steph Prosen and she told me about cool things like the 1 800 MGD line. I worked and missed the season finale of the OC. I can't believe Marissa is dead.
Friday my brother and his girlfriend came down and me, them, and my parents went to the 5 Star like usual. My Mom saves her straws in her purse, so she knows how many drinks she's had. So my brother and I planted some more straws in her purse to try to mess her up on how many drinks she had and it was hilarious. After that we went home, ate some KFC and then I got Dwibes and we went to my little cousins party somewhere down by MSOE. It was weird and I'm not sure I'll go again, because besides me, there were like 3 other people there my age, the rest were younger. Strange. None the less, my little cousin Tasha throws a pretty mean party.
Saturday after work I went to meet up with Shara to sing some karaoke in a park pavillion with her family for her cousins confirmation. After that I met up with Crystal and Desi for a little bit and that was all.
Sunday after work I went to say hi to Ali at Chammps for her graduation party and then I went home.
Then Sunday night I got sick and yesterday I woke up and wanted to die. I went to work for like 3 hours and went home sick. I slept for like 7 hours, got up and ate 3 bites of some noodle thing and then slept again until 8 this morning. I'm feeling a little better today, but now my body aches are gone and I have a horrible bronchial cough.
I plan on staying home this week and resting so I can have a great time being healthy on Saturday.