Shoot It Up Your Veins

Mar 11, 2006 17:01

I met a guy last night, who was four years my senior. During childhood we played the pinball machine, and fought over who's turn it was next. I haven't seen him since and the memories I do not remember, rather I just hear stories from the elders. He chose one path of drugs and whatever else that could give you a high, and my path though not angelic to the means, was a very different one indeed. His Mother said nothing but that he was a loser, scum, with nothing to offer life. And it's not that she said just to him, but rather in front of a crowd. I couldn't tell by his spacey look whether he understood anything at all, but my Mother used her feelings for him, after all her heart is too big sometimes. And as she objected to all of this ridicule,I told her just to stop. After all it's not her parenting or lack of attention, or anything at all that drove this guy to what he had done. So I talked to him and his replies back were nothing more than a yea or a laugh. And I couldn't believe where the brain cells had gone and why someone would want to live like this forever in time. In the end my Mother told me she was proud of me and that she would never do that to me...the ridiculing I mean. All I could say is I try my best, but if such an event should happen to alter her sight of me, she should keep what she had just said in mind.
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