The recollection of events from Thursday and Friday...
Started off with me going to the South Side ghetto to get an orientation at an elementary school that I will be tutoring at. Then home it was to change and head down to Erika's Mom's place in Racine. We had chicken tretazini I think and then a few beers. Then Erika, her parents and I went to Joey's located somewhere in Racine.
The bartender there was Juan and I grew a liking towards him. I played some music in the jukebox and we all wasted money on pull tabs. I wont say who wasted the most, but at least we had confidence in it. Erika's Dad left for some call from work and then it was just the 3 ladies. Now somewhere between pull tabs and Erika's Dad leaving none other than Jimmy Draper walked in. If some of you don't remember he was the black man with snaggle tooth syndrome who used to work at Home Depot, was married and a swinger, and propositioned me to be discreet with him. (An offer which I did not accept thank you.) He was friends with some women who when Erika and I went to the bathroom asked if one of them could skip ahead of us. Now, I had to go pretty bad and Erika really had to go and this lady wanted to skip? So here comes the story about how she has one kidney. We let her skip and she then takes a picture of us. Shortly after that Erika's Mom comes and this lady tells her she's usually busy "pulling on titties all day long". Which I guess means she works on a farm. Strange whatever. So after all of this excitement Erika decides that she really wants the industrial sized pizza cutter that they have there. In a quick and sneaky move I take it and when we leave I stuff it in my purse. The ride to Peg and Lou's involves pictures like this:
Now taking that picture doesn't seem like a hard task, but it was considering we were driving and someone hit their head really hard and turned the light on. The three of us got to Peg and Lou's and it was "women's pool league"...or as I viewed it "lesbian night". They stared at us walking in, we said 3 words and finally I said "this is really awkward can we leave"...and we did. We then got in the car again and went to Mosquito Inn. This was a cabin-like bar with a bunch of old men and a guy who looked like Curt Kobain. Amongst these fine people was this guy who is the father of some guy Erika date in high school and tells everyone that she gave up the best thing since sliced poop or somethin similar. We had a drink and left and ended up back at Joey's. I was disappointed to see that Juan wasn't tending bar, but really he was just off and there with his sister and friends. Through conversation I found out he has a girlfriend and then his sisters friend gave me a look like she was going to deck me and Erika, Dave (oh yea, he came later and hung out) and Mom #2 intervened and protected me.
Now remember the kidney bathroom lady? Well, I'm in line again to use the one bathroom and suddenly this other lady says..."i just got hit by a truck yesterday and I can't stand very long, would you mind if i skipped you?". Seriously, is this a new trend? Big skip ahead in the bathroom line?
We left at about 1am and went back to Mom's house...where we ate "ring worm". It's really crossaints with lots of good cheese, veggies, chicken and something else in there. We demolished that thing and then went to bed. All in all if nobody else had fun besides me, Erika's got a fancy pizza cutter.
Friday I met up with Liz and went to lunch with her at Rock Bottom. After that I dropped her off and went home to watch 1st season of the OC. Around 530pm I called her to tell her something and she told me to come over because she was bored and waiting for her friend/roomie from last year Sami to get there. So I did and then Sami came. We did shots, and smoked on the roof top of the apt. building. Then this girl Sarah from UWM who knows people I know came with this girl Lindsay who I went to high school with and we all remarked on what a small world it is. Between shots and 80's music, that weird electronic game called "bop it" gets harder as the night goes on.
(Liz and Sami).
We all left and I dropped those two off at a party and I went to Ali's house to get her, Shara, and Jenny who was in from La Crosse. The 4 of us went to Brother's and got prime parking. Other than that the night was just a night and the funny moments came from Shara, besides the magic trick a guy pulled on me. He took my cigarette and flicked ash on the top of his hand. He then told me to hold my hands out (palms down) and asked if I felt that. I said no and the he rubbed it around in a circle and asked if I felt it and again I said no. Then he told me to make two fists, did it again and then told me to open my left hand. On my left palm was a circle of ash. I wonder how he did that! Shara's funny moment were made by her spilling two of her half full drinks and hitting her head on the TV that was mounted to the wall as she got up to dance on the benches. Priceless. And last but not least, to make my clepto weekend complete I saw a very cool hat in this kitchen area (one of many in a box) and tok it because it was appropriate. That was all.
(Shara must've took this picture)