Feb 08, 2006 21:59
Yesterday was just a weird day for me. I'm pretty sure I got hit on by a girl in my class, I sat and talked with a guy I never talked to in high school and haven't seen for 5 years, and saw that someone in my Econ class was willing to pay $5 for an 89 cent Snickers bar...so what happened next shouldn't have shocked me. It was at Red Lobster where I went with Erika and Tricia because we had a $4 coupon. First we saw one of the workers fondling a lobster where a guy walked buy and said "is that how you jack off the lobster" or something ridiculous...hello sir, there are children here. Then we got some beers and the girl who carded us wasn't impressed by my "Tricia, better bring out your booster seat" comment. Finally as we were eating dinner I had to send back my steak because it was to raw and there was what we called "a bad version of Pretty Woman - Milwaukee style" sitting across from us. This lady had spandex on and some crazy heeled boots and was singing and dancing during her eating of crab legs. Then she was searching like crazy for something which Erika thought could have possibly been a credit card, but Tricia hear her say she wrapped it up in her napkin, so thought it was dentures. She finally found them and she put on her fake fur coat and left. We remarked about this lady to our waitress who said "oh she had lost her dentures" and we laughed like you wouldn't believe. We were about to pay our bill and Erika noticed that it was so expensive because we had been charged for an extra dinner. Then we got that straightened up and left and went home to our warm and cozy houses. It was then, that I finally realized that we never did use our $4 coupon that made us go there in the first place.
Really, my life is so interesting and random sometimes.
Oh, Erika....check out the song that I'm listening to. Very good...originally by the Beatles but its almost impossible to find the one by them. Get the version that I'm listening to, it's on the I Am Sam soundtrack.