"I Guess I'm Having Sex This Weekend..."

Nov 17, 2005 10:15

Yesterday at work I was scheduled as a cashier and was leaving my register to go to some stupid townhall meeting.. But I walked passed register 10 to say something stupid to Jeanie. Well, there's this guy checking out in her line. And this is what happened.

GUY: Hey! how's it going? You still work here? :: reaches out to shake my hand ::
ME: :: shakes strange guys hand :: yea I know...it's been like 3 years now. (keep in mind i have NO idea who this guy is...not even like the idea that he's a frequent customer)
GUY: yea...so how've you been? what have you been up to?
ME : (with a slightly confused look on my face) good, busy with school and work.
GUY : what are you doin for Thankgiving?
ME: (even more confused look on my face) umm...nothing just staying here.
GUY: you mean you're not going home?!
ME: (really really confused look on my face) umm..no. i gotta go to a meeting now...i'll talk to you later!

This guy, really thought that I was somebody else guaranteed, but I didn't want to call him out on it and make him feel completely stupid...so I guess I obviously just went along with it. The funny thing is, is that he'll probably go home and say he saw "so and so" and they'll tell that person and they'll be like..."i haven't worked there in 7 years and i live in Texas" or something.

I also watched Bewitched with Steve last night, but I don't know how it ended because I totally fell asleep.
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