[Spy isn't here about the watch, he's just here to test out his ability to do things one-armed. He'd really like to be here in disguise, but he's saving that until he knows he can function properly beneath the disguise.
And then. Vimes' plate. What. What.
Vimes, have a Frenchman with no right arm looking at you with this face as he passes your table.]
[Vimes. VIMES. Stop being so infuriatingly calm. That is not cool. But Spy very grudgingly respects you for it, so... all's good?]
HMPH. So long as you do not force anyone else to eat eet I suppose I cannot complain.
[He pulls out his fancy shmancy cigarette case/disguise kit with his one remaining one hand and goes to pull out a cigarette... and then realizes that lighting it is going to take him exponentially longer with just one hand. HOW WILL HE SURVIVE THIS OH NOOOO.]
And then. Vimes' plate. What. What.
Vimes, have a Frenchman with no right arm looking at you with this face as he passes your table.]
What in zhe world are you eating?
Eggs and bacon. At least this town can get SOME things right.
[Vimes you are offending his French sensibilities. Seriously. He is so offended right now by this affront to good cuisine.]
Nah, if it was slop it would be a bit murkier. THIS is a good breakfast. Gets the heart pumping nice and hard.
HMPH. So long as you do not force anyone else to eat eet I suppose I cannot complain.
[He pulls out his fancy shmancy cigarette case/disguise kit with his one remaining one hand and goes to pull out a cigarette... and then realizes that lighting it is going to take him exponentially longer with just one hand. HOW WILL HE SURVIVE THIS OH NOOOO.]
Need a hand with that?
[[OOC: I almost erased the pun, but that would have angered Pratchet]]
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