And now we have this from
REPLY TO THIS WITH a random word PERFECT APPLES and I will give you four fandoms and you tl;dr about your favorite character from each fandom!
What I got: SMT1, Strange Journey, Pokemon, Supernatural
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And I wiki'd Mastema soon after encountering him. I kept waiting for that shoe to drop too, and when it didn't happen until the endgame of my Chaos playthrough, I was like, "" Subverted expectations, much? I still like him (while at the same time hating him), though. His smarm has charm. :P
In the same way I am disappointed that you could not fight God in Devil Survivor, I was really hoping for some sort of reaction from Mastema. I don't remember having to fight him even after Zelenin's defeat.
What does it say about this series when I expected Gore, Mastema and Bugaboo to turn against me, and be genuinely surprised when they don't.
I want a YHWH (Or YHVH, same difference) battle outside of SMT2, too. I think they might be too scared to export something like that?
I'm trying to think of Megaten game that lets you fight God outside of SMTII. Devil Survivor is the closest I've played, and there's a scenario where you can become the new dark lord of demons and war against God's heaven. The war itself is never shown which is a pity.
Well, there's the original Megami Tensei series, where Lucifer was the final boss of the first and YHWH was the final boss of the second. Struck a nice balance that way, in my opinion. The anti-Law bias is getting a little bit tired. But at least SJ slams Chaos just as hard.
In Devil Survivor, the Chaos path means letting demons have free reign of the Earth, then having humanity be swept in the Hell/Heaven war, which really isn't preferable. The ending does leave you in a rush, especially after all the effort you've been trying to be the new dark lord.
And I know the Devil Survivor endings, I'm one of those people that doesn't care about being spoiled. ^^; I have to say, my favorites are the Neutral endings. I was surprised at how accepting Metatron was of Neutrality in this game, given their track record.
*thinks back*
Oh, uh, really? I never picked up on that. But maybe that was because I sped through, trying to get all the endings.
also drove myself crazy trying to figure who 'M' was. Did it stand for 'Messiah', a rival human who was brought in your place? Or was it the angel 'Michael', trying to warn you? Then a few replays later, "no, dummy, it was definitely Metatron." I think I liked the Chaos ending best of all but I felt a gullible idiot after playing the Law ending.
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