holy crap...its been so long!!!

Sep 20, 2006 22:31

yep...so time does fix things lol.
Being away from someone for a long time definatly does things to you. I cant remember how much i loved rob, i just know that i did. Thats all im ever gonna remember ... Does that mean that I didnt love him as much as i thought i did??? If you think about it like ...if you love someone ...your love NEVER dies hmmm...*shrugs. I dont know anymore and ive stopped thinking about things like all together . I feel like my whole world fell apart this summer >_> not just because of rob but the people that we used to hang out with all the time...things just arent the same anymore and they never will be ...ever again. Maybe its not such a bad thing though. EVeryone says that things happen for a reason but the worst part is trying to figure out what that reason is lol. pPeople can look back now and realize it. for example rob and i breaking up. If it didnt happen...where would jessi be right now? I dont think we'd be best friends and share the things we do. Im glad things are alright now and that everyone is well sorta happy :D

Ive learned some things too within these past 2 or 3 months... and Im really glad that i have learned them. Im happy about the fact that I dont have a boyfriend right now because ive been able to realize that I have more friends then I thought i did and that there are plenty of guys who want to be with me .....jessi , you know :P :D

As far as Im concered with how things are with grubb...
I guess we're not friends anymore .. Its kinda sad because he was like the ONLY person I talked to about EVERYTHING. I felt like he knew me better then i knew myself. but hey its life . you live . you learn . you love. and you lose.

for the past couple of months ive been doing my own thing and its been making me really happy :D

Senior year is making me insane ... no joke. I really just want to shoot myself in the head. College app? wtf?!?!? pfft EFF that!!

OMGZORZ!!!! Jessi = AMAZING BEST FRIEND / HERO!!!! I <3 you !!!

* dear diary FUCK YOU!

well , im not out of things to say ...but im quite tired ...SARASOTA ADVENTURE TOMORROWzorz!!!

PS !!!@

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