Apr 16, 2006 22:31
First off , I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER!
My day was mostly spent at home , which is highly unusual. Around 6ish Rob came and picked me up. We , well I didnt have any clue as to what we should do. I mean ...its sunday but not only sunday...Its Easter Sunday , which means that everywhere was closed and that left us with nothing. However, rob , being the "genius" that he is thought of a great adventure! We ended up walking around in the Lemon Bay Park and at Cedar Point. It was really nice. (armadillos and texas sized bees)anyway, I like spending time with him.:D After an hour or two it was off to the school to play some games.
In anycase , my day was beyond crazy and lovely.
Ah! And School tomorrow...garrr
I can't believe that Spring Break is over , its kinda sad. It was full of fun.
Tomorrow I have tech stuff...blah >_< but at least im there with rob... he has to suffer with me :P