(no subject)

Feb 25, 2007 00:19

Zend Studio is the shit!

As with most things geeky, they are kinda specific to what you are working on and who else does the same thing. For instance, if I was to talk about something neat you can do with AS 3.0 in Flex2, there would be exactly '0' people that would find that neat that might be reading this (although you should see the cool OOP stuff I learned while I'm making this site: http://www.antiartatlanta.com/ ).

BUT, anybody who has ever written code for more than anything longer than a few lines of perl or some long regex thing in bash to parse log files will appreciate this.

So, I'm having to recreate all of http://www.allornothingtattoo.com into php and power it with a database. The reason for this is that I built this elaborate framework in php that powers the AntiArtAtlanta site (php admin page -> mysql -> php -> xml -> AS 3.0 -> flex 2), and I want them to be able to update all of their sites from one single location. So if they want to add a link or an an image to one page, the rest of the pages will be updated with the same information and be as current as the parent page (there are about 15 sites that will eventually be integrated). So, building all the backend stuff for this site is a pain in the ass. That is where Zend Studio is really kicking ass.

My favorite feature (one thing I loved about Quanta+ for KDE and Bluefish for GNOME, but they used enter-complete and wouldn't let me remap the key) is auto suggestion for variables you already declare earlier in the script, and you can TAB COMPLETE! So I make $whatever, then the very next line if I type $wha it will give me the tab complete for it. Talk about saving me time and energy (it does the same thing with functions, and will prompt for the required variables)!

It also has a mysql tool on it, so I can test my queries out on it before I use them and see what the results are going to be (just had to add an allowed host). It needs the ability to upload files, but otherwise it is damned near flawless.

Oh well, back to coding. Apparently work is getting their asses kicked tonight, and I will be knee deep in that mess tomorrow night, so I need to get done with this today.

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